Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: 💕 N.N. Light's Book Heaven 10th Anniversary Party and $100 Giveaway 💕 Featuring Cherry Red by Darlene Fredette 💕 (Romantic Comedy)

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

💕 N.N. Light's Book Heaven 10th Anniversary Party and $100 Giveaway 💕 Featuring Cherry Red by Darlene Fredette 💕 (Romantic Comedy)

The best place for readers, writers, authors, and publishers to connect and share their love of reading.

Overstepping the platonic-only rule is as dangerous as fire and ice swirling into steamy combustion.

This summer, Carly Redd focuses on expanding her ice cream business. Coerced into attending her ex's engagement party with firefighter, Noah Harding, posing as her “fake” boyfriend stirs up a fiery combination, especially when his warm charm melts the ice guarding her heart.

The fire chief’s daughter should wear a Do Not Touch sign, but Noah's interest burned the moment he first saw Carly. Masquerading as her boyfriend is a no-brainer, but convincing Carly to trust him with her heart proves harder than extinguishing a wildfire.

“This might seem like a strange question, especially since we’ve just met, but would you be interested in going out for a coffee? Or an ice cream?” Noah rested an arm on the bar.

Carly glanced down at her jeans and black T-shirt embroidered with the company name and logo…a cluster of red cherries. In a room full of women all dolled up in fancy—and some a bit scanty—dresses, why would this incredibly handsome man ask her on a date? “I appreciate the offer, but I’m not interested…”

Noah raised a brow. “I know you like ice cream, so is it the coffee, or me?”

“What? No. I mean, yes.” She took a second to collect her scrambled thoughts. “I like coffee. I just don’t hang out with firefighters.” Not that he was a real firefighter. Did impersonators count in her rules of men to avoid? She never dated a stripper, but she wasn’t sure she could have a relationship with a guy who was paid to take off his clothes and have other women fawn over him. Not that the guy asked her on a date…just a simple coffee. His frown made her feel badly. “I’m sorry. It’s nothing personal.”

“Burnt in the past? No pun intended.” He smiled.

She couldn’t help but smile back. “Something like that.”

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Darlene Fredette is a multi-published author, a writer, a screenwriter, and an artist who loves to bring stories and designs to life. She resides on the Atlantic Coast of Canada where the summers are too short, and the winters are too long. Following a career path in administration, her former titles include Office Manager and Director of Administration and Marketing.

When she's not in her creative zone of writing a new story or screenplay, designing an art piece, or reading, she is with her husband, daughter, and two very large dogs. 

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#Win this $100 #GiftCard #Giveaway N.N. Light's Book Heaven 10th Anniversary #Party Featuring Cherry Red by Darlene Fredette Overstepping the platonic-only rule is as dangerous as fire and ice swirling into steamy combustion. #RomCom #ContemporaryRomance It's here at RNG→ ♥ #RomanceNovel #BookBoost #Bookish #BookNerd #RomanceBooks #RomanceReader #BookLove #BookLover #Books #Reading #Bibliophile #Booksy #BookNerd #BookWorm #BookBlogger #BookQueen #BookStack #GoodReads #BookShark #BookCommunity #BookBabe #Romancestagram #Bookstagram #ReadersOfInstagram

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