And no one with secrets is safe.
“If you’ll follow me, my lady.” The same maid, skin pale and hair nearly white blonde under her tidy white cap, bobbed a curtsy and indicated I should follow her down another chilly hallway. Thick, vibrant carpets muffed our steps as I trailed the woman, trying not to ogle outright at the vast displays of wealth lining the walls. Paintings, statuary, tables inlaid with mother of pearl and studded with semi-precious stones. Tapestries likely worth more than a king’s ransom covered huge swaths of the stone.
We traipsed up two flights of curving stairs to yet another ornate hallway, this one dark with alternating paneled wood and red and gold damask cloth.
“Your chambers, my lady. All the guest chambers are here on the third floor. Women to the right side of the hallway, men to the left. Do you require anything else momentarily? Your luggage should all be present and accounted for.”
I stepped inside the room and delighted in the dazzling array of lush greens and soft pinks, completed by a sparkling chandelier hanging from the middle of the room. Glass orbs dangled from its gilt arms, bending and refracting the light into a thousand rainbows across the walls and into the shadowed corners of the room. My trunk and suitcase were stacked neatly beside a cherry wood vanity, which was set with a silver comb, brush, and mirror. Another card with my name on it lay on its marble surface.
Excitement hummed beneath my skin, and suddenly I couldn’t wait to be alone to tear into this newest missive from my most elusive host.
I would avoid bloody hands this time.
“That will be all, thank you,” I demurred.
Once the door was shut, I abandoned all decorum, hiking my skirts above my ankles and racing to snatch the missive.
Tearing the envelope open like a savage, I slowed and reverently took out the folded card.
Lady Hastings,
Welcome to Mistlethwaite Manor. I trust your stay here will be most memorable. Please wear your finest holiday frock to dinner tonight. The games will begin promptly at half past six. Bring all your wit and charm and come prepared.
Yours truly,
The Master of Mistlethwaite
Come prepared?
Prepared for what?

You can read more of her short stories at www.ajskelly.com.
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looks like a fun one