Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: The Price of Peace by ML Nystrom 💕 Book Tour and $10 Gift Card Giveaway 💕(Motorcycle Club Romance)

Monday, August 15, 2022

The Price of Peace by ML Nystrom 💕 Book Tour and $10 Gift Card Giveaway 💕(Motorcycle Club Romance)

I didn’t choose this life. It was chosen for me a long time ago. Meet a darker breed of bikers in bestselling author ML Nystrom’s gritty The Dutchmen MC series.

Sold at sixteen to a man three times her age, Carrie’s life has been a series of betrayals and brutalities. Beaten and starved, she fights to keep any shred of dignity she has left until she can find a way to escape the life she never chose.

Angel appears as her salvation, but her hopes are destroyed as his lies and duplicities are exposed.

What price does she have to pay to finally find her peace?

His eyes. God, his eyes. A true gold with dark brown rings. His hair was a dark dirty blonde, the top half pulled back in a ponytail and the scruff on his face was slightly darker. Slouched back as he was in the boxy chair, his stomach didn’t protrude, showing he was fit. He was a big guy anyway, and Carrie estimated he would tower over her five-foot seven-inch height even with the added bonus of the four-inch heels she wore. He had to be a big guy as the huge cock he freed from his jeans indicated.

Those eyes stared into hers for a long moment. Something let go in her middle. He wouldn’t hurt her. She didn’t know why she thought that. There was nothing in his gaze that indicated compassion or pity or any other emotion. Snake eyes, some people might call them, but there was something that called to her.

A full shot glass appeared in her line of vision and she leaned back to take it from Angel’s hand. She looked up into his eyes and tossed back the liquor, taking away his taste. It burned a long path to her stomach. She didn’t like it and avoided drinking as much as she did the drugs, but she thought if she refused, Grizzly would take it as an offense and make her do something or someone else. Angel tucked himself back in his pants. His expression was unreadable. Blank. He came, but he might as well have been a statue for all the emotion he showed. Angel? More like a stone gargoyle.

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From bestselling author ML Nystrom comes a new darker breed of bikers. Hold on for the ride and meet The Dutchmen MC.

Iceman has a reputation for being the coldest and most ruthless biker in the Dutchmen MC. He has no loyalties to anyone or anything outside his club. The people who go against him or betray the club find themselves in serious pain... or dead.

Then one afternoon trouble in the form of a blonde walks into his life.

Gabriella doesn’t want to be here. She doesn’t want to enter this biker world of crime, cards, and sex, but her uncle has left her little choice. She must make a deal with Iceman to protect the ones she loves. In doing so, she finds more than she bargained for.

Iceman must face the demons of his past while Gabriella must face the monsters of her future. Are either of them willing to pay the price of their redemption?



When does sin become unforgivable? Find out in bestselling author ML Nystrom’s gritty The Dutchmen MC series, where you’ll meet a darker breed of bikers.

Rail has the impossible task of leading the Dutchmen MC through a long and chaotic transition. His life is spinning out of control, trying to live up to club expectations. Some want revenge for crimes against the club, some are ready to move on, and some want to continue their former lifestyle. It’s tearing Rail apart. The only family he’s ever known is his dying grandmother and it’s more than he can handle.

One night, he meets Gretchen, a deaf woman who reminds him of past sins. She brings back painful memories of where he came from and what he’s done in his life, but he can’t stay away from her. She is the light, he is the dark, and his former transgressions demand payment. Can he afford to pay the price?


Everyone has a breaking point—even me. Meet a darker breed of bikers in bestselling author ML Nystrom’s gritty The Dutchmen MC series.

Abandoned by his club, Boots is trying to find a new place and new purpose in his life. His past plagues him with darkness, and if he faces it, there’s no turning back to the light. The brightest spot in his black universe is another man’s woman, Mama J.

Janice is by herself and struggling to make ends meet for herself and her children. Day after day, night after night, her life revolves around her identity as a mother and seldom as a woman. Then one day she meets Boots.

Mama J is discovering what it means to be Janice again, and Boots is desperately seeking to pay for his former sins. Is the price of atonement too high?

💕 To be released November 4 💕

I've had stories in my head since I was a child.  All sorts of stories of fantasy, romance, mystery and anything else that captured my interest.  I'm a voracious reader, and have spent many hours in my life devouring books, therefore it's only fitting I should write a few myself!  

I've spent most of my life as a performing musician and band instrument repair technician, but that doesn't mean I'm pigeon-holed into one mold.  I've been a university professor, belly dancer, craftsperson, soap maker, singer, rock band artist, jewelry maker, lifeguard, swim coach, and whatever else I feel like exploring.  As one of my students said to me once, "Life's too short to ignore the opportunities."   I have no intention of ever stopping so welcome to my story world.  I hope you enjoy it!


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