Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Megan's Choice by Darci Garcia đź’• Fun Facts, Book Tour and $25 Gift Card Giveaway đź’•(Contemporary Romance)

Monday, February 28, 2022

Megan's Choice by Darci Garcia đź’• Fun Facts, Book Tour and $25 Gift Card Giveaway đź’•(Contemporary Romance)

After careening headlong into Brice Castillo’s chest and gazing into his icy blue eyes the fireworks began!

Megan Cunningham could never have imagined she would meet her handsome neighbor while chasing her badly behaved Boston Terrier Lucy but that is exactly what happened! After careening headlong into Brice Castillo’s chest and gazing into his icy blue eyes the fireworks began!

Brice is head over heels for the beautiful blonde and cannot help but pursue her. Still, there is something he is holding back that may just keep these two hearts apart forever! They are both determined to find a way and may just have sealed their happily ever after.

Some fun facts regarding the creation of Megan's Choice

1) Lucy was based on my real rescue


2) The introduction scene between Megan and Brice ACTUALLY happened to a friend


3) There is a REAL organization that sends physicians and dentists to remote areas to assist indigent communities and they ARE required to sign a contract


4) I grew up in New England and spent every summer in Maine, which is why my books are usually set there


5) I speak my dialogue scenes out loud to test for authenticity

“Do you have any idea what I want to do to you right now? How badly I want you?”. She could see the force it was taking him to keep his hands by his sides, though she desperately needed to feel them on her. 

“I think so,” she whispered, ready when his lips devoured hers. Snaking her arms around his neck, she pushed herself against him. She couldn't get close enough. His arms circled her waist, then, cupping her buttocks, he lifted her, never losing contact with her mouth. Their tongues lashed at each other as though they had danced this way forever. As Brice pulled away from the kiss, Megan whimpered.

“Please, don't stop.” It was all Brice needed to hear.


Darci Garcia is a contemporary romance writer with a penchant for including members of the animal kingdom in her stories. Although she studied business, her first love has always been the written word.

She believes a sense of humor can cure most anything and laughs at herself most of all. An animal rights activist, she has spent most of her life working behind the scenes assisting in the rescue of dogs.

These days you will find her in sunny Florida, although she was born and raised in New England, which, she maintains, still holds her heart. She is living out her own happily ever after along with her husband, children and of course her rescues which, at last count, equaled five!


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#Win this $25 #GiftCard #Giveaway After careening headlong into Brice Castillo’s chest and gazing into his icy blue eyes the fireworks began! Megan's Choice by Darci Garcia #GuestPost #ContemporaryRomance Goddess Fish Promotions 5 Prince Publishing ♥ #RomanceNovel #BookBoost #Bookish #BookNerd #RomanceBooks #RomanceReader #BookLove #BookLover #Books #Reading #Bibliophile #Booksy #BookNerd #BookWorm #BookBlogger #BookQueen #BookStack #GoodReads #BookShark #BookCommunity #BookBabe #Romancestagram #Bookstagram #ReadersOfInstagram


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for commenting! It really is…and funny!

      Darci Garcia, Author

  2. Thank you so much for hosting!!

    Darci Garcia, author Megan’s Choice

  3. Replies
    1. Rita that is my hope! I’m always down for something a little spicy and a little funny to whisk me away for awhile! Thank you SO much for commenting!!

  4. Thank you for sharing your fun facts and book details and for offering a giveaway, I love the cover, synopsis and excerpt, this is a must read for me

    1. Ok well that just made my day!! Thank you SO much!!

      Darci Garcia, Author

  5. I love reading contemporary romances, this one sounds great

  6. This sounds good. The cover is cute!

  7. Sounds like a fun read! Love when a dog is involved!

  8. Congratulations on tomorrow's release of Megan's Choice, Darci, I enjoyed the fun facts and the excerpt and your book sounds like an excellent read for me to enjoy! Good luck with your book and the tour! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a spectacular week!

  9. Congrats on your new release! The book sounds like a wonderful read.


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