Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Golden Shana: The Chase by A P von K'Ory đź’• Guest Post, Book Tour & $50 Gift Card Giveaway đź’• (Erotic Romantic Suspense)

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Golden Shana: The Chase by A P von K'Ory đź’• Guest Post, Book Tour & $50 Gift Card Giveaway đź’• (Erotic Romantic Suspense)

The mutual force of predator and prey,
blasting into her core...her soul...

An evening at the La Scala in Milan twirls the lives of five people into a web of rivalry, intrigues, heartaches, obsession, murder, loss, and revenge.

“… for those who love selective eroticism with substance. An exciting and sophisticated erotic thriller for the astute romance reader, woman or man.”

Love, a word Roman can hardly spell, hits him when he sees Shana one evening. She’s the first woman not dropping to her knees at his mere presence. Used to getting whatever he wants, he chases her. Only to discovers that she prefers the girls. Roman can’t let that deter him. But is he for once up against his own comeuppance? At any rate, he needs assistance, which comes in the form of Alyssa, Shana’s BFF. Trouble crops up when Alyssa is all too ready and willing to drop on her knees for him.

Roman can't get anywhere near Shana on his own. Would he start anything with Alyssa as long as this finally leads him to meet Shana in person?

Then there’s Marie, his current companion, who has a life-changing surprise for him.

Roman: I never chased after a woman. Then I caught a glimpse of the woman I would kneel for, but didn’t even know her name. Heck, I determined to find her if it took me the rest of my life.

Shana: He stood in the room with her. The frisson in the currents freaking between them knocked her senseless. The mutual force of predator and prey, blasting into her core ... her soul ... Danger. Keep far away from him

4 Ways to Write Faster and Better
By A P von K’Ory

First off, I’m the slowest writer you can think of, and perpetually in awe of authors who write 3, 4 books each year. I need at least a full year for one book. This is why I read a lot about how I can speed up my writing. Slow writing seems wired in me.

But you can write faster and better. Here are some of the tips I’ve learnt that you can try successfully. I know that because those writers in my group who read my suggestions do come back to me with feedback that their writing is better and faster. 

Bear in mind that productive writing is about utilizing the time you have to the best advantage, not finding more time.

1. Utilize Multiple Writing Devices

Don’t wait around for that fat juicy inspiration to knock you down with a Eureka! Instead, jot down every idea that hits you. Bless modern devices; you can now do this anywhere anytime, even while driving. Smartphones are not just for calling or being reached wherever and whenever. I used to lose all those paper napkins with notes that I jotted down at a restaurant or café. Or I’d finally find them in pockets of clothes long since washed and dried and ready to be ironed; illegible by then. Not anymore, thanks to Google Docs and cloud.

2. Write While You're Sleepy

From a creative point of view, you’re at your best before you’re fully awake. The trials and tribulations of your normal day, including that mug of coffee, haven’t come crushing on you and contaminating your creativity. The smart heads have researched and discovered that you’re most susceptible to possibilities when your conscious is just booting up and your subconscious not yet fully gone back to sleep mode. That’s when you should treasure-hunt for gems in your subconscious and write them down – these gems are never otherwise going to resurface.

The other end works the same way. Again, scientists assert that we’re less focused when we’re sleepy and therefore relaxed enough to garner whole worlds of possibilities that we don’t see when we’re concentrated. 

3. Multitasking is an Enemy

That’s because it increases the risks for both error and burnout. I normally pride myself in multitasking, but apparently it only works in spheres like slicing bread while keeping an eye on the percolating coffee. When our brain is truly tasked, that back-and-forth switching disturbs it, so that we’re not actually doing more; we’re watering optimal performance down to fifty or less percent. That’s why the margins for error and burnout are increased.

You can listen (and sing along as well!) to Kygo/Whitney Houston’s version of the Steve Winwood song Higher Love or Tina Turner’s What’s Love Got to Do With It while you’re doing Tabata workouts on the rowing machine. But not while you’re creating your unique love story.

4. Send Your Internal Editor to the Maldives on Your First Draft

I have serious battles with this one. Unless the sentence is as perfect to me as I want it to be, I can’t go forward; it keeps yelling at me to change it and change it NOW. So this is one of the reasons why I’m such a slow writer. Editing as you write slows you down. Send that editor to Blue Origin for a spacefaring colonization trip in outer space for a long while. Otherwise that guy can not only slow you down but also paralyze you and frighten you off creating altogether.

True, that internal editor is a stellar friend in your creative process, just not during your first draft. At this stage of the process, send that editor as far away from your mind as you can.

Think of this creative phase as a flowing brook; if you shove a boulder in the middle of it the flow is split at least two ways around that boulder. You shouldn’t split that flow. Allow it to stream along uninhibited. Editing requires a different part of your brain, so don’t force your brain to multitask: create and edit all at once. You certainly don’t want fifty percent creativity and fifty percent editing in your masterpiece, do you? 

“Are you a bloody dyke or not, Shana?” I was ready to hit the fucking roof.

“It’s really none of your business. But Alyssa is—”

I strode purposefully to her, pulled her to me, raked one hand into her lustrous hair at the back of her neck, grabbed a handful of it firmly, and tilted her chin up with my other hand. I bent and kissed her hard on the eat-me-whole lips. Kissed her savagely, without trying to push my tongue into her mouth. I simply licked and sucked with force. She smelt of manmade scent and sultry womanhood.

She tasted like heaven and hell combined.

My penis announced its needs. I tipped her back further without breaking the kiss and pressed my London Stone against her. Voltages. Frenzied amps. She gave a short high-pitched squeal. Off the charts lust, boiling deep within her. I pressed her harder to my breast while I rubbed my London Stone against her lower belly.

As her lips began to yield, to slightly part, to surrender to me, to let me take full possession of her mouth, I stopped kissing her and pressing against her. I jerked her head away from me by my handful of hair and locked my eyes with hers again.

“Yes?” as imperiously as she had been. I saw her confusion.

She whispered, “Oh heavens,” and closed her eyes.

“Indeed. Look at me,” I ordered in a low dark voice, torn between a million shades of mad and frustrated.

She opened her eyes again in blinks. “Roman. Alyssa has fallen in love with you, one. She’s my best friend since childhood, two. And yes, she’s my lover too.”

My temples worked. But you’re a man’s woman! “Not any more, Shana. From now on, every single bit of you belongs to me. You’re. My. Woman.”

She shook her head, probably denying my statements, probably perplexed.

“You. Are.” I still held that bunch of hair at the back of her head in a firm fist.

“Roman, I don’t mind Alyssa having men in her life. But—”

“Time you had one too. Me.”

“Christ, Roman, men don’t work for me since—”

“One just did perfectly with no more than just a kiss, Dr Lindqvist.”

I released her. Turned away and walked out.

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Roman: I wanted to eat all of her. Even within that fortress I longed to erect around her to hold her captive in, to keep her away from men not worthy of the sight of her, I’d devour her.

Shana: Roman was deadly sex. She had no antigenic for immunity against him. Instead she lay there on his bed, in an impossible state of sluttish disarray, holding her breath.

Marie: “So you didn’t bring your rich old cow with you.” The bitch was ten years older than her, years older than Roman himself. Weren’t men supposed to prefer younger women?

Alyssa: She was not going to let Roman treat her like a hole in the air. He started this triangle and she was going to make it equilateral.

Grieg/Phoenix: His philosophy stated that peace was bondage, and war was freedom. His Girl was his territory, and no other man’s.


Roman doesn’t even want a harem. But the harem relentlessly seeks him. No sooner has Shana left Roman than Grieg/Phoenix is marking time on Roman’s door, out for a war, not a fight, over Shana. And so is Marie, whose pregnancy Roman still keeps a secret.

Roman: I loved owning women. Then I found my woman. But she would never be owned, not even by the gods. She left me. Still, her dangerous admirer and I began wars over her, not merely street fisticuffs.

Shana: Roman scares me in every way and the fear excites me. I’m brainless in his arms, brainless just from thinking about him. He makes me navigate so many labyrinthine passages and secret doors that I’d never even been aware of before. My body knelt and wept for him. My common sense made me flee from him while I could.

Marie: I sold Roman my heart and soul. Only to realise my body had not been consulted, and was therefore out for war.

Alyssa: I really got all that about Roman. The super-ink indelibility of him, the substance of him that stamped his four-figure-euro Ferragamo Oxfords, the supernatural charisma that rocketed him all the way up there with Lucifer. His square would never fit my round. But hope springs eternal, right?

Grieg: “If I have whoever your girl is, why don’t you just come over and take me off her or her off me?” Roman reacted like a man who didn't care about that damning message. Over the phone, he’d sounded as if he didn’t have a single feather ruffled. Time to start the war.


Blazing passion, unrestrained power, perilous secrets...

Shana is determined to personally destroy her enemy or die in the attempt. Roman can’t know.
Roman keeps his demons locked away from his beloved Golden, afraid she’ll despise him if she knows the truth.

The rebellious, sensuous, provocative and intense relationship between Shana and Roman is ablaze again.

When Shana readies herself to accept her love for Roman, he drops a bomb on her lap: her abuser of ages ago is hunting her, and is the man who’d kidnapped and detained Roman. Furious, she turns her hunter into the hunted - she goes after her tormentor in his “fortress with modern security gadgets” country mansion, armed for victory. For Shana, it’s a do or die. But Roman mustn’t know of her mission.

Roman has his own Pandora’s box of secrets that threaten to destroy their relationship yet must be revealed. But first, he has to protect Shana from his rival, a dangerous international criminal who keeps eluding both Europol and Interpol.

Who will manage to eliminate their common enemy first?


A P von K’Ory writes the kind of books she herself would like to read and is passionate about, whether romance, psychological thriller or nonfiction. She is the winner of six awards from four continents, the last one being the Achievers Award for Writer of the Year 2013 in the Netherlands. The Selmere Integration Prize was awarded her in 2014 for her engagement in helping African Women in the Diaspora cope with a variety of domestic and social problems. The Proposal, a short story, won the Cook Communications first prize in 2010 and is published in an American anthology Africa 2012. In 2012, she won the Karl Ziegler Prize for her commitment to bring African culture to Western society in various papers, theses, and lectures. Again in 2012, her book Bound to Tradition: The Dream was nominated for the 2012 Caine Prize by the Author-me Group, Sanford, and in 2013 she was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers Prize.

Von K'Ory is married to an aristocrat and politician of Franco-German descent, has a large extended family. She lectures Economics and Sociology in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. She’s migratory and – weather willing – lives in Germany, France, Cyprus, and Greece.


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  1. This is the most incredible presentation of my Blog tour that I ever saw, Romance Novel Giveaways. I'm overwhelmed. Thank you so very much for this marvellous promotion you've put together for me on your Blog. I love it so much, I wish I could curve it out and frame it to put on my office wall.

    You've done an amazing job with this, bless you!

    1. I'm thrilled that you like it, and thank you for saying so!!! BEST of luck with the tour!!!

    2. Thanks, Lauren. I'm still reeling with joy to friends and family about this presentation...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sherry, for stopping by and commenting. Good luck with the Giveaway!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rita, for stopping by and commenting. Good luck with the Giveaway, and I hope it reads great too!

  4. This sounds like a good book and series!

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Glenda, and for stopping by and commenting. Good luck with the Giveaway, and have a fab weekend!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for the lovely words, latishajean, and for stopping by to read and comment. Good luck with the Giveaway, and I wish you a great weekend too!

  6. sounds like a fun one

    1. Thanks for giving me your time to read and comment on my Blog Tour, Daniel. Good luck with the Giveaway, and enjoy a terrific weekend!

  7. I like the cover. It sets the tone for the book

  8. I enjoyed the excerpt and I can't wait to read the book! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a wonderful weekend!

  9. If nothing else, it sounds from the blurb that the main character needs someone to NOT fall to her knees in worship a little more often!


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