Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Never Enough by Nancy Fraser šŸ’• Book Blast & $20 Gift Card Giveaway šŸ’• (Contemporary Romance)

Monday, September 6, 2021

Never Enough by Nancy Fraser šŸ’• Book Blast & $20 Gift Card Giveaway šŸ’• (Contemporary Romance)

Caution: This book contains love scenes and language some may find offensive. Or hot!

When Amanda Thorne arrives on San Bella Island, sheā€™s tired and in bad need of a vacation. Sheā€™s just finished paying off her late husbandā€™s many debts by selling their home and belongings. On her way to Dallas for a new job in a medical research lab, sheā€™s taking one week to recoup before beginning her new life.

Nicholas Holloway is recovering from a 2-year stint undercover for the U.S. Marshal Service. Ordered to take a vacation to clear his head, he ends up on San Bella at the same time.

Will these two battle-scared souls find peace in the otherā€™s arms? And, will they be able to walk away at the end of their one-week fling?

Caution: This book contains love scenes and language some may find offensive. Or hot!

Diamond Key Resort, San Bella Island

Sunday Afternoon

Nicholas Holloway tapped his fingertips restlessly against the rich mahogany finish of the hotelā€™s reception desk. Drawing a breath and letting it out slowly, he calmed his jittery nerves and waited for the return of the young clerk. After a few more moments, she came forward, her gaze assessing him up and down.

ā€œYouā€™re in room 301, a corner king, Mr.... uh... Holloway.ā€ Handing him his credit card and the electronic keycard, she told him, ā€œYou can take the main elevators to the left. Or, if youā€™d prefer, the stairs next to the patio entrance.ā€

He nodded, and asked, ā€œWhich way to the bar?ā€

She gave a quick tip of her head. ā€œJust through those glass doors to the right.ā€

He took a few steps away from the desk, and then turned back. ā€œThank you.ā€ Staring at her name tag, he added, ā€œMelanie.ā€

ā€œYouā€™re welcome, Mr. Holloway.ā€

Nick grabbed the worn canvas bag sitting at his feet and headed toward the stairs. The climb would do him good, burn off some of his residual energy, the adrenaline heā€™d not yet set aside.

ā€˜Get out of here, Nickā€™, his boss had ordered. When heā€™d meant to argue about being sent away, Greg had added, ā€˜One week. Shrinkā€™s orders. Youā€™re lucky it wasnā€™t a month. Now f**kinā€™ goā€™.

And, so heā€™d gone. All the way to San Bella Island.

Nick let himself into the well-appointed king-size room and dropped his bag on the floor next to the bed. Heā€™d unpack later. First, he needed a shower, something strong to drink, and a full dayā€™s sleep.

Better yet, he needed a woman. A warm, willing piece of ass who didnā€™t want to talk afterward. A grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. What were the chances the prim and professional Melanie would be open to a tumble between the sheets?

Retrieving clean underwear and his toiletry case from the oversized duffle, he turned toward the bathroom. Heā€™d barely cleared the doorway when he caught sight of himself in the large mirror above the vanity.

No wonder the front desk staff had given him the once overā€”more than once.

He braced his hands on the edge of the sink and leaned closer to his reflection. It wasnā€™t Nick Holloway he saw but, rather, Phil Thompson, the undercover persona heā€™d worn like a shield for the past two-plus years. Nick closed his eyes, wanting more than anything to shed his alter-ego and all the emotional baggage that went with it.


NANCY FRASERā€”Jumping Across Romance Genres with Gleeful Abandonā€”is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who canā€™t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

Nancy has published over forty books in full-length, novella, and short format. When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.


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#Win this #GiftCard #Giveaway Caution: This book contains love scenes and language some may find offensive. Or hot! Never Enough by Nancy Fraser #ContemporaryRomance Goddess Fish Promotions


  1. Thank you for hosting this stop on my giveaway. It's always nice to come by your beautiful blog. And thank you for the extras you added to the post. They really kick it up a notch.

  2. This sounds intriguing! I just bought it. Although, I am a little sad that there is no puzzle. ;)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sue, there is a puzzle. Click on the link for my website. It's up on the front page.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sherry. This one kind of got away from me and wrote itself. My H/h were very demanding.

  4. This sounds like a great read! Love all the teasers and the excerpt!

  5. Oh oh, these two have to meet and what..... should be good!!

  6. Oh oh, these two have to meet and what..... should be good!!

  7. Oh oh, these two have to meet and what..... should be good!!

  8. The book sounds very interesting. I love the sultry cover!


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