Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Kennedy Devereaux by Bernadette Marie 💕 Behind the Scenes, Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway 💕 (Contemporary Romance)

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Kennedy Devereaux by Bernadette Marie 💕 Behind the Scenes, Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway 💕 (Contemporary Romance)

Kennedy Devereaux, owner of Kennedy Devereaux Designs, is a sight to behold in her signature pink colors, accented with custom designed jewelry. Intriguing enough that Joel Kingsley, the man building the new business next door, can’t help but keep coming around, just to get to know the woman in the designer clothes. He finds she’s not such a mystery, and his charm easily wins her over--until she finds that he’s forgotten to let her in on the secrets of his past.

One of the best parts about Kennedy Devereaux is the scenery pull from my life. Kennedy owns a fashion boutique in what is deemed as Olde Town. Though I never specifically say where Olde Town is, it’s loosely laid out to my hometown where I opened my first salon when I was twenty. One of my clients was a woman my cousin had worked for. She owned an appointment only boutique in a century old Victorian home in our Olde Town. My mother shopped there when I was younger, and Kennedy’s store is designed after that one. The one-on-one customer service, the big-ticket items, and the overflowing femineity were real. I had the opportunity to buy that house when she closed her boutique, and I moved my salon into the amazing old home.

Kingsley Tap House adds another aspect of home to me. Colorado is filled with micro-breweries and tap houses. Coors is right around the corner from where I live, and there is a tap house or micro-brewery on every single corner in Golden, Colorado. These unique businesses lend to my story telling with the different kinds of people who own them or frequent them. And so much can happen in a bar-like setting. Even the building the tap house is built into is reminiscent of the street where the real life boutique was. Though, in our Olde Town, the post office was on the other side of the street, in Kennedy’s book, it’s right next door, and what a great way to start a new romance.

Kennedy turned off the lights in the shop, made sure the coffee pot was off as well, and left through the back door, locking it. When she turned toward the tap house, she noticed Joel standing at the back door, his body leaned casually up against the door jamb. Her heart rate quickened. Those dirty jeans and worn out work boots had a sexy appeal, and she had to suck in the air that was now thick around her.

It was a beer, she reminded herself. Just a drink with the guy next door.

“I came out to make sure you were still over there. I thought you’d blown me off,” he said as she started toward him.

Pulling her purse up onto her shoulder, she felt the tug of guilt at his statement. She’d considered blowing him off, but she wouldn’t tell him that.

“I said I was coming, didn’t I? Well, here I am.” She didn’t much care for her tone. It made her sound conceited. She was used to that depiction and probably deserved it.  

“Here you are.”

The light from inside glowed at his back, as the shadows from outside made his eyes darken. Kennedy gripped her purse strap to gain some control. He was handsome and just a little mysterious—and completely not her type.

“Are you going to invite me in?” she asked, and he nodded slowly.

“We tasted thirty beers. I’m moving just a bit slow.” A smile crept over his mouth, and she found hers went dry.

“We can do this another day.”

“Nah, I have a couple I want your opinion on.” He reached a hand out to her as if they were casual enough friends, and she would take it—and she did.


Chase Devereaux, owner of Devereaux Limousines, is happy with relationships that don’t last more than a night. ‘No strings attached’ is how he prefers to operate, until he spends a night with his sister’s best friend, Hillary. Since they were teenagers, she’s had a hold on his heart--how is he supposed to go on like normal when she’s all he can think about? He has to move on altogether.

Hillary Mills knew that getting tangled up with Chase Devereaux would be a mistake. Only now she’s in too deep, keeping a life changing secret from everyone, including Chase and his family, which could destroy her relationships with all of them. ryone, including Chase and his family, which could destroy her relationship with all of them.


Max Devereaux, owner of Devereaux Construction, chose to build his business and stay rooted in the town he grew up in when the woman he loved got the opportunity to move to New York and chase her dreams. He never regretted his decision, but when cooking show star, Meghann Carr, comes back to town to take care of her ailing mother, she seeks out Max to help her fix up her mother’s house, and the pain of letting her go is fresh again. The only way to save his heart is to turn her away, but does he have it in him to let her go again?

💕 Coming January 12, 2021 đŸ’•

Paige Devereaux, the owner of Paige Devereaux Yoga, is eagerly starting her entrepreneurial journey, following in the footsteps of her older siblings--without their input. Oliver Yates has worked with Paige’s brother-in-law for years, as a partner in his tap house, but he’s intrigued by the yoga instructor’s quest to create something for herself--and the attraction between them is searing. But bad luck has a way of following Oliver around, and this time it might destroy everything Paige has worked so hard to build.

💕 Coming February 9, 2021 đŸ’•

Bestselling Author Bernadette Marie is known for building families readers want to be part of. Her series The Keller Family has graced bestseller charts since its release in 2011. Since then she has authored and published over thirty-five books. The married mother of five sons promises romances with a Happily Ever After always
and says she can write it because she lives it.

Obsessed with the art of writing and the business of publishing, chronic entrepreneur Bernadette Marie established her own publishing house, 5 Prince Publishing, in 2011 to bring her own work to market as well as offer an opportunity for fresh voices in fiction to find a home as well.

When not immersed in the writing/publishing world, Bernadette Marie and her husband are shuffling their five hockey playing boys around town to practices and games as well as running their family business. She is a lover of a good stout craft beer and might have an unhealthy addiction to chocolate.


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