Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: The Secrets of Gable House by Nancy Fraser đź’• Book Blast & Gift Card Giveaway đź’• (Paranormal Romance)

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Secrets of Gable House by Nancy Fraser đź’• Book Blast & Gift Card Giveaway đź’• (Paranormal Romance)

Noah Miller is shocked to learn that an unknown great uncle has named him heir to the family fortune, including the residence known as Gable House. Built by Noah’s fifth-back grandfather, the house is ripe with family secrets and unusual occurrences.

Maggie Shephard has spent the past ten years researching the history of Willow-By-The-Sea, including that of her own ancestors. Considered an authority on New England history, she’s often sought out as a consultant. When Noah Miller asks for her help in acquainting him with both the house and his ancestors, she jumps at the chance to share her knowledge with the handsome architect.

Noah and Maggie have an immediate attraction to one another, made even more so by the time they spend together researching the Gable family history. The fact that each Gable male died an untimely and gruesome death, leads Noah and Maggie on a quest for the truth in hopes of setting a murderous spirit free.

Maggie paced the parlor, weighing her words against the contradictory stories she’d grown up on, and wondering exactly how much she should tell the heir to the Gable secrets right off the bat. Imparting her knowledge of the Gable family history was something that would benefit from a slow, easing-into-it approach.

Or, perhaps, you’re just wanting to prolong your time in Noah Miller’s company? Maggie batted her lashes, chasing away her annoyingly accurate inner thoughts.

“Archibald was want to say in the late sixteen-hundreds, 1680 maybe. His actual birthdate is unclear since he wasn’t born here in the U.S. In 1701, he immigrated to the New England area from Heathshire, Wales with his parents, Theodore and Julia. They both died within months of arrival, having contracted something on the way over.” She drew a breath and continued. “Archibald—”

He interrupted and asked, “How about we call him Archie? It’s less of a mouthful.”

She smiled and began again. “Archib...uh...Archie built a trade empire on the backs of indentured workers. According to journals I’ve reviewed, he was not beneath cheating his business partners or competitors. It’s even said, he had a man murdered for not selling him a parcel of land.”

 â€śDamn! I thought my ex wife was bad. My ancestors may have her beaten.” He grinned, and added, “But not by much.”

Oh, good. He’s not married. Hot as hell and available.

“In 1718, Archie married his first wife, Estella Lanier, daughter of a wealthy French businessman. Armand Lanier died a few months before his daughter’s wedding, leaving his entire estate to Estella. With no business experience to rely on, she gladly turned her fortune over to her new husband. Archie purchased the land and built Gable House for her in 1720, with the intention they would start a family. They became one of the half-dozen or so founding residents of what is now Willow-By-The-Sea. Their plans for a family took longer than they’d hoped, but eventually they had a son, Cornelius. Unfortunately, Estella died shortly after childbirth. Archibald—”

“Archie,” he corrected.

“Archie remarried a year-and-a-half later, to a woman named Penelope Green. He and his second wife also had a son they named Alister.”

“Good grief. How do you remember all these details? More importantly, why would you want to?”

She readily admitted, “It’s become important to me. My fifth-removed grandmother was also a founder of Willow, and I’ve scoured her personal journals over and over again trying to reconcile them with other historical documents.”

“And?” he prompted.

“I’m not sure yet. There’s a very thin line between fact and fiction. Sometimes there’s no line at all.”


NANCY FRASER—Jumping Across Romance Genres with Gleeful Abandon—is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

Like most authors, Nancy began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.

Published in multiple genres, Nancy currently writes for four publishers. She has published over thirty books in full-length, novella, and short format.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.


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  1. Thank you for hosting this stop on my tour. Your site is very beautiful. Of course, I'm a sucker for red roses! Thanks for sharing the puzzle directly onto the site as well. I'd love to hear from your readers on how quickly they finished. Despite the fact that it's my cover, I'm still slow at putting it back together.

    1. Honestly, that's one of the coolest "extras" I've seen for a book promo! Fantastic idea to have that puzzle! (I was slow, too; 7:54!)

  2. This sounds really good. Great cover!

  3. Nancy Fraser is one of my favorite authors. I read all her books.

  4. I appreciate getting to read about your book. With sisters and daughters who love to read, this helps so thank you.


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