Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Return of the Fox by Pamela Gibson 💕 Exclusive Excerpt, Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway 💕 (Historical Romance)

Monday, June 1, 2020

Return of the Fox by Pamela Gibson 💕 Exclusive Excerpt, Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway 💕 (Historical Romance)

The year is 1847...

… Gabriel de la Vega, disgraced son of a Mexican ranchero, returns to his Alta California home when Americans take power to help his countrymen with the bewildering transition and make amends to the woman he once wronged.

Fiercely independent, Isabella Fuentes swore she’d never forgive Gabriel for abandoning her on the night they were to elope. Now he’s back, playing a dangerous game, pretending to be meek and repentant when she knows the handsome, former outlaw is anything but contrite.

When a series of accidents threaten Isabella’s safety, Gabriel offers an outrageous solution: the protection of a brief civil marriage. Isabella is tempted. But can she rely on a man who once betrayed her and can she trust her foolish heart to let him go when the danger has passed?

“Then my property is safe?”

Gabriel sat next to her and took her hand again, but this time he held it firmly. “Yes . . . as long as you have funds to pay an American lawyer to represent you when you have to defend your land titles in an American court. I’m guessing that will happen, and I believe it will be soon. Perhaps right after the treaty is ratified. Settlers are moving west, and they’ll be wanting land. In California, too much property is held by the hidalgos, land most Americans consider idle.”

“Idle? Most land is pasturage for cattle. Most ranchos are completely self-sufficient. We raise our own food. Our people learn trades to keep the rancho running smoothly. I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Americans coming west are looking for farms. They believe if you’re not farming, your land is not being used productively.”

“Are you sure?”

“Have you ever heard the term ‘manifest destiny?’”


“It’s a phrase that expresses the philosophy that the United States is destined by God to expand its territory across the entire North American continent, spreading democracy and capitalism. A land as rich and fertile as California is quite a prize, especially for families wanting a place to settle.”

“But most of the land is owned. It cannot be settled by others.”

“Perhaps. Did your late husband keep good records?”

“I believe he did.”

“Good, because laws may someday be passed to break up the ranchos. Even with good records, defending a land title will take years. When you’re through, you will owe a great deal of money to your lawyers, and if you cannot pay, the court will give your land to your creditors and you’ll have nothing.”

He tilted her chin with his free hand. “Look at me, Isabella. This is going to continue. These men are ruthless, and for some reason they’re desperate to own your land. These attacks will become more frequent because once Mexico City has fallen, the treaty will be negotiated, and who knows what it will contain?”

“Do you believe that will be the fate of all the California ranchos then? Many of Tomas’s peers were not as careful as he was when their deeds were recorded.”

“Sadly, I do.”

She sighed as she searched Gabriel’s face. The eyes that gazed back were those of a friend. “What should I do?”

He rubbed his thumb across her parted lips and stole a glance at the servant who came in to remove the tea tray. The servant left, but the door to the hallway was open.

“You could marry me,” he said in English.

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In 1846 War Looms in Alta California.

Sorina Braithwaite, rebellious granddaughter of a prominent California ranchero, has her own battle to fight. Desperate to escape an arranged marriage to a man she despises, she threatens to expose an American spy unless he helps her flee.

Lt. Lance Grainger, intrigued by her audacity as much as her beauty, knows if Sorina disappears, her arrogant fiancé will follow, thus distracting him from the insurgency he’s plotting. But there’s a risk. As the son of a man branded a coward, Lance has spent his entire career rebuilding his family’s honor. If he’s thought to be a deserter, his honor will be in shreds.

As the declaration of war nears, Lance and Sorina set out on a journey of danger and intrigue, but both soon discover their hearts may be in the greatest peril of all.


Author of eight books on California history and thirteen romance novels, Pamela Gibson is a former City Manager who lives in the Nevada desert. Having spent the last three years messing about in boats, a hobby that included a five-thousand-mile trip in a 32-foot Nordic Tug, she now spends most of her time indoors happily reading, writing, cooking and keeping up with the antics of Ralp, the Rescue Cat. If you want to learn more about her activities go to and sign up for her quarterly newsletter and occasional blog. Or follow her in these places:


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  1. Thank you so much posting my excerpt today. While a rather obscure subgenre, this is one of my favorite time periods as a setting for love stories.

  2. Such a great cover. Nice excerpt!

    1. Thank you, Sue. This is book two of the series and the first book got a new cover, too. I'm ver pleased.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Edgar. It's hard to choose, but I like this one too. It gives a tiny history lesson, but in a friendly way.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Rita. You're becoming very familiar with this book. The excerpts are all different on the tour.

  5. What draws you to writing historical romances?

  6. Hi Kim. I've read historical romances for years, and I think they are a great escape from reality. But the relationships tend to have the same kinds of angst. People are still human beings, no matter what period they're from. Rules in each society and time period might be different, but he heart still knows what it wants (or in the case of novels, who it wants). Thanks for asking.

  7. Sounds like a great book, thanks for sharing!

  8. Replies
    1. Red is my favorite color so I was especially happy to see it on my cover. Thank you.

  9. Beautiful cover, sounds like a good book.

  10. love the cover ! Thanks for this chance

  11. Replies
    1. I think it is. I'm re-reading it now on my Kindle because I haven't seen it for awhile and I really like it. I hope others do too.

  12. Thanks again for hosting me today. It was fun.

  13. Looks like an interesting book! Thanks!

    1. I love this time period. Lots of action and romance against a background of intense cultural changes. Thanks for commenting.

  14. Thanks for the chance love your books


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