Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Grown Enough For Love by Chelsea Falin 💕 Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway 💕 (New Adult Romance)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Grown Enough For Love by Chelsea Falin 💕 Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway 💕 (New Adult Romance)

Savannah is a rich girl who comes from a troubled, loveless family. To make her childhood bearable, she was always tagging along with her older brother, Jay, and his best friend, Gabriel. After getting out of town for four long years while attending an out-of-state college, Savannah is back and the old schoolgirl crush on Gabriel she thought had dampened flames right back to life.

Gabriel grew up on the wrong side of town, in a poor Mexican family who may not have had money, but always had plenty of love to go around. Although he’s always thought of his best friend’s little sister as a little sister of his own, things have changed. Gabriel can’t help noticing Savannah is all grown up now. Single for the first time in years, with a two-year-old son in tow, Gabriel decides that maybe, after all these years, Savannah is grown enough for love.

“Wait… how out of the loop am I? I didn’t know you had a son.” Savannah shook her head. A lot of things had changed while she’d been gone.

Gabriel shrugged. “You never called, I guess. I know you never called me.”

Savannah snorted. “I didn’t phone my parents unless I had to, and I called Jay several times. But, he never mentioned you had a son or you lived with him.” Savannah’s face grew stormy. “And I didn’t call you because Marissa made it very clear she didn’t want me to.”

Gabriel shifted his weight again. He’d done that when nervous since he was a kid. “Yeah, well, Marissa knew you had a crush on me when you were a kid, and she was the jealous type.”

Savannah’s eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped. “Crush on you? On you? Whoever said that?”

Gabriel’s face broke into a huge grin. “Oh, c’mon now, my little kitten. You wrote ‘I love Gabriel’ all over your notebooks in primary.”

Savannah blanched and then she blushed. For some incredible reason, she’d thought her schoolgirl crush on Gabriel had been a secret. Savannah had thought wrong.

When Savannah stayed silent (and red), Gabriel laughed and patted her on the back. “Oh, it’s fine. You were a kid, and all little girls have crushes on their brother’s best friend.” His smile stayed fixed, but his eyes flicked up and down quickly. “Although, I have to say, you’re certainly not a little girl, anymore. My kitten’s all grown up.”

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(4 colors to choose from!)
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Chelsea Falin is the 25 year old independent author of well over ten titles. She began writing with intents to publish in 2006, at age 16, and finally published in 2009, at age 19. Chelsea writes in a variety of genres, including but not limited to: romance, young adult, comedy, cooking, poetry, and dramatic fiction. Professionally, Chelsea is also a freelance blog/article writer, web designer, and book blogger.
In her personal life, Chelsea is the mother of a six year old daughter. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, fishing, hiking, biking, traveling, and spending time with her friends or family.


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  1. This has a nice cover. She is very beautiful.

  2. Love the cover and seems like a good read

  3. I like the cover - the green eyes really draw one in.

  4. I like the cover especially the splashes of color.

  5. I am always interested in learning about new books to read.

  6. I always like it when the little sister grows up and her brother's best friend finally sees her as a woman. Add in their very different financial situations makes this book one I want to add to my TBR list.

  7. The excerpt was a great read. I would love to know more.

  8. The bad boy small town romance trope sure is appealing. When opposites attract, sparks fly and the romance sizzles.


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