Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: In Pursuit of Perfection by Jacki Kelly đź’• Fun Facts, Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway đź’• (Contemporary Romance)

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

In Pursuit of Perfection by Jacki Kelly đź’• Fun Facts, Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway đź’• (Contemporary Romance)

The next man in Macy Rollins’s life must be perfect. She’s had enough impostors and isn’t willing to settle for anything less. All she has to do is get through the company contract negotiation season and she will get that promotion she has been working so hard for. Avery Malveaux – one of Philadelphia’s most eligible bachelors – has been hired to work with her as legal counsel for the company. From the moment they are forced to work together tensions are high and expectations are low. He questions her ability, she questions his intentions. After Macy is suspected in an accounting shortage, she accuses Avery of betraying her confidence. Has she once again been deceived by a man she thought she could trust? Can she clear her name and win her job back? And can there be any hope for Macy’s pursuit of perfection.

Fun fact about In Pursuit of Perfection.

This story came to me almost complete. It was as if Macy Rollins tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to tell her story. She wanted everyone to know about her simple life. She told me she was an average woman, who just wanted to help her family. And just like when the rest of us who decide to do something, it seems as if the universe steps in and places obstacles in our path. Well, Macy was no different. And just like the rest of us, Macy didn’t give up.

Fun Fact - To finish this story, I had to go to the library to complete the writing. Even though I have an office in my home, it seemed as if every family obstacle that came up needed my attention. Instead of letting this get me down, I decided to flee. In the library, there’s no talking, no internet connection and no interruptions. If I hadn’t chosen the library to write, I probably would have gone to a Starbucks or a sandwich shop, because writing at home wasn’t working.

Fun Fact – I submitted this story to a contest once and the judge told me she didn’t like Avery’s last name – Malveaux. I chose this name because it was strong and courageous. I guess it’s one of those names either you like or you don’t.

Fun Fact – this story has had more than one title. Some of the earlier ones, I can’t even recall.

From the moment Macy agreed to go out with Avery, she couldn’t focus on any of the important things. Instead of pursuing Michelle, she thought about what to wear. Instead of rechecking the few audit documents she had, she was wondering what she and Avery would talk about. This was a real date. Everything up to now was only practice. Dating Avery was playing with an open flame.

She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath. All her thoughts whirled around the hurt little girl her father left standing in the doorway. That was the 202 area code number that kept showing up on her phone. She sighed.
Brian had been too young to understand the destruction their father had caused. But she couldn’t forget, and she couldn’t forgive.

The intoxicating expression on his face made her heart thump harder. There were good reasons to pull away from him. But she couldn’t. As risky as being with Avery was, she couldn’t walk away. She needed to forget about the past, to stop glancing backward and focus on the offerings of the future. Maybe now was the perfect time to open the lock on her heart.

The HR Director shook his head. “That’s not a possibility.”

For a moment the room was quiet. There had to be something she could say to make this right. “How soon—”

“Immediately. We’d like you to gather anything personal from your office that you’d like to take home with you and exit the building.”

She sat up straighter in the chair. “It sounds like you’re firing me.”
“Until we have finished our investigation, please do not return to the building.” He stood. The meeting was over.


Men and women have always sought the promise that only love can offer. Jacki invites you into an intriguing world where romance abounds around every corner and down every street. You’ll be amazed at the crazy things we do and don’t do for the promise of love.
Jacki has been writing since her fourth grade teacher made her keep a journal for a grade. Now she does it to keep track of all the fascinating and heartbreaking moments that life throws our way. Poetry, personal essays, short stories and novels have all occupied space in her heart and her hard drive.
Jacki lives in the northeast where the winters are too cold and the summers are warm. But, she wouldn’t trade it for anywhere else, well maybe for a fabulous house on the sunny sands of Miami Beach in February. Her loveable husband and adorable floppy eared dog endure her long periods behind the computer creating happy-endings for her amazing hero and heroines. Romance makes the world go round and Jacki is enjoying the ride.


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#Win this #GiftCard #Giveaway
Can she clear her name and win her job back?
In Pursuit of Perfection by Jacki Kelly
#GuestPost #ContemporaryRomance
#Free eBook Offer
Goddess Fish Promotions
Intrigue Publishing, LLC


  1. Hello! Thanks so much for sharing your book with us. Always fun reading about another book to enjoy.

  2. How many books have you written so far? Congrats on the release.

    1. Bernie, In Pursuit of Perfection is my fifteenth book. I have another book that should drop later this year.

  3. James, I'm happy to be invited on this blog tour today. Thanks.

  4. I love learning fun little facts about books.

  5. Love this cover sounds like a great read.

  6. I like the premise and look forward to reading if and how she can clear her reputation.

  7. thank you for going on tour hope you get a lot of readers peggy clayton

  8. thank you for the giveaway

    tiramisu392 (at)

  9. Thank you for sharing Macy's story.

  10. What surprises did you incur, while writing this story?


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