Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Hybrid: Adapt or Die by Rebecca Henry 💕 Guest Post, Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway 💕 (Sci-Fi Romance)

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hybrid: Adapt or Die by Rebecca Henry 💕 Guest Post, Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway 💕 (Sci-Fi Romance)

Agent Van of the CIA is sent to an Australian underground military surveillance base called Pine Gap. Agent Van finds himself thrown in a conspiracy cover up of an ancient alien race known as species X. He falls in love with Annika, a mysterious and uncommon woman who displays unusual abilities, leading Van to question her own origin. Mystery and horror explode around Agent Van during a cave diving exhibition to search for a lost colleague referred to as Agent One. The only clue for Agent Van and his team is a cryptic message carved on a wall inside the bleak cave that reads “Agent One is gone. No more Agent One.” Terror arrives as the agents are trapped inside the ominous cave. Agent Van soon learns that there is more to Pine Gap than Species X.

1: What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?

I actually devoted two years to solid research before I wrote Hybrid. It was imperative for me to include science and history-based facts in this book. Hybrid is a complex story filled with ancient aliens, time travel, hollow earth, alien autopsy, spelunking, radioactive weapons and a secret military base in Australia known as Pine Gap. I included government conspiracy theories along with creating four different environments, three new alien species, and their complex system that makes up their bodies. Most of my research was watching documentaries and the TV show Ancient Aliens. The other half of my research was reading science articles and books, so I would have as much accurate information in Hybrid as I could find. Hybrid has been by far the most time consuming and intense book I’ve written yet.

2: What do you think about the current publishing market?

This is an important question to answer as an author. I see the publishing market as being entirely online. Growing up I found books at school, the local library, or the town bookstore. Over the years that has drastically changed. Now I find all my books online via Amazon, Goodreads, or other social media platforms. Having tools such as Instagram, websites, online ads, online book tours, and Goodreads, it all markets our books on a broad spectrum with the potential of reaching thousands of people all at once. I personally hired a Social Media Assistant to help manage my Social Media page so I can stay on top of promoting, but also have time to write my next books. Social Media is a necessary evil, you need it, but it does consume most of your time, taking away from writing. Authors today know how to hustle and work hard to accomplish their dreams.

3: What inspired you to write this book?
I am the biggest fan of the TV show Ancient Aliens! I moved to Singapore in 2010 and my only way to watch TV shows was through Netflix. After the birth of my son I started watching Ancient Aliens during his nap time. I saw my first episode and was hooked! By the end of the first season I became inspired to write Hybrid. I spent the next couple years researching anything I could find on Aliens, autopsies, time travel, hollow earth theory, spaceships, cave diving, Pine Gap, etc. I combined different conspiracy theories from the show, mixed with more government theories from other documentaries and began to write the plot for Hybrid.

Links to Hybrid Book Trailers

Breathless, she turned to me and unwound the scarf from her neck and wrapped it around mine. “I want you to be surprised,” she laughed as she covered my eyes. I heard the door open, and she slipped her hand in mine to lead me inside. Something swooped over my head, and I ducked. 
“What was that?” I asked, unnerved. 
“Just listen,” she giggled. 
I stood stock still as I tilted my head, listening. Are those birds?
“Is that birds?” I asked, excited. I hadn’t seen birds in months! I started to lift my scarf, but Annika stopped my hand. 
“There’s more!” she whispered in my ear, and goosebumps raised on my arms. She led me by the hand deeper into the room. 
“Smell,” she commanded gently. 
An intoxicating aroma filled my nose, and I grinned. “Flowers!” My heart swelled. This was the happiest I'd felt, not just at Pine Gap, but in my adult life. Being with Annika was like being a kid again. The world felt new and grand when I explored it through Annika’s eyes. 
“Very good!” She clapped her hands. “Let's see how you do on the next one.” She guided me to another area of the room, and I felt like I was walking among the clouds, dizzy with birdsong and flowers. 
“What do I get if I guess right?” I asked, a wide, stupid grin painted across my face underneath her scarf. 
Her hand held my wrist as she guided me to the ground. “You'll have to guess correctly before I tell you your prize.” I sat beside her, running my hands along the ground. It wasn't hard, like every other surface at Pine Gap. It was soft. I buried my hand amidst the thick, cool blades tickling my fingertips. Is that…?
“No way...grass!” Unable to contain myself, I ripped the blindfold off, too excited to play this game any longer. I marveled at Annika and her room of miracles. 
Annika sat on her knees as I swiveled my head around, trying to see everything at once. After being surrounded by black uniforms and steel hallways, the room was a raucous symphony of vibrant color. We were inside an enormous greenhouse filled with UV light. A false sun shone down on us, warm and familiar like the sun I once lived under. Macaws looped over our heads, soaring through the air as if they were free in the world above. Something tickled my finger, and I marveled at the tiny ladybug exploring my hand. 
It was a tiny Garden of Eden, and my eyes darted from one wonder to the next before landing on Annika. She watched me, smiling at my open-mouthed wonder. “This is amazing!” I laughed joyously. “I didn't even know this was here!” 
Annika carefully picked the ladybug from my hand and set it gently on a leaf. “Not many people do. This is sorta my place.” She looked up at me, a shy smile spreading across her lovely face. “Maybe it could be our place.” 
My chest tightened, choking off the all the words I wanted to say to her. She lifted her hand to my cheek, her face full of understanding. She leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. 
They say a kiss can make a guy weak in the knees. This is an understatement. Annika's kiss was bewitching, and I whole-heartedly allowed myself to fall under her spell. I was a lost cause for any other female. There was only Annika, as if I had been searching for my whole life, and the answer was finally before me. The only woman I could ever love, would ever love, is Annika.

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Best Selling Amazon Author of Hybrid: Adapt or Die. Her debut novel was The Lady Raven: A Dark Cinderella Tale, which was published in 2017. The Lady Raven, is for those who have an infinity for fairy tales retold with a link to witches, magic and the macabre. Rebecca's second novel, Louisiana Latte, a chick lit comedy was released February 28th 2019. Louisiana Latte, is a feel good comedy that focuses on the bonds of sisters, and how audacious life can be when you have a diva for one! Rebecca's third novel Hybrid: Adapt or Die, is a sci-fi, horror, romance novel. It takes the reader on a wild ride of government conspiracy theories, ancient aliens but also touches your heart with a tender love story. Hybrid was released August 1st 2019. Her fourth novel Conjure Lake, a ya, dark fantasy, horror novel will be released in 2020. The entire first chapter is included at the end of Hybrid first edition copies. You can find all of Rebecca's books on Amazon

Rebecca Henry is a world traveler living abroad in England. Besides being an author, Rebecca is also a podcast talk host on the show The Latte Talk. The podcast was inspired by her latest novel, Louisiana Latte and her diva sister Deb. She is a serious vegan, gardener, crafter, wife and mom who practices yoga. She loves to laugh, her drug of choice and loves all things witchy with a hint of the macabre. Her favorite holiday is Halloween and her favorite movie of all time is Practical Magic.


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He falls in #love with a mysterious and uncommon woman who displays unusual abilities
Hybrid: Adapt or Die by Rebecca Henry
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