Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: The Rings of Faolan-Rubies by Kristal Dawn Harris ๐Ÿ’• Book Blast & Gift Card Giveaway ๐Ÿ’• (Shifter Romance)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Rings of Faolan-Rubies by Kristal Dawn Harris ๐Ÿ’• Book Blast & Gift Card Giveaway ๐Ÿ’• (Shifter Romance)

From the first, Michael Faolan and Natalie Terrence knew they were destined to be Lycan mates, but constant danger in Michael's life keeps them separated. They are stalked by the hunters, a group of men who plan to eradicate all Lycan as vermin. Natalie refuses to acknowledge the bond that she has with Michael until hunters burn down his barn and he is gravely injured. She cannot resist his call, even with the threat hanging over his head. Michael Faolan has secrets of his own, but he is happy to accept Natalie's ministrations. Their attraction ignites into flames of passion as they continue to fight the hunters. Could his secrets dampen the hunger Natalie feels for her mate, or can they use that desire to build a family and forge a love so strong no man, woman, or beast can tear them apart?

Michael had that stupid grin on his face, again, as Natalie led four children up the stairs, single file, to their new bedrooms. Natalie glanced over her shoulder at him and winked. His hand absently rubbed the spot over his heart as it swelled with pride. She was everything he ever wanted and more. She moved graceful and with purpose, a woman full of compassion, her head held high as the children followed behind her. She was a shining beacon to his soul, the children, and his home.

Love found him. It didnโ€™t just find him, it knocked him down with the force of a boulder, set him back on his feet, and created a new man. He was a man driven to protect, care, and love his mate with everything in his soul. He would kill for her. He would die for her.

Natalie peered down at him from the landing at the top of the steps one last time before disappearing into the hallway. A sarcastic look crossed over her face as her eyebrow raised. She teased him and, at the same time, let him know who was in charge, who the real alpha in the pack was, and he loved it. A dangerous smile spread across his face. The game was on. Natalie no longer pretended to be the docile female but became his equal. She challenged him here in his own home, and damn if it didnโ€™t turn him on.


Elise Faolan is devastated when her parents are killed by Lycan hunters. Although against her nature, she joins her brothers in the hunt for their parent's killers. Instead of feeling relief when they are brought to justice, she is confronted with an arranged marriage, one she knew nothing about. Her choices are limited as to what she can do, so Elise runs.

When Elise returns home to face her new husband, Elijah Terrence, she can't help but wonder if this bond of marriage will ensure her true love or will this stranger she has joined with become her enemy. Only time will tell, and Elise as well as Elijah must decide how they will meet any future hunters who seek to harm Elise. Their passionate journey to friendship, love, and survival will be one they will never forget.


Kristal Dawn Harris is an American author, born in Middletown, Ohio, on August 16, 1970. She currently resides in Ohio with her husband. Kristal has been married for 27 years and has two children. She graduated from Carlisle High School in 1988, then furthered her education at Miami University. She has a business degree in Accounting Technology. Kristal spent twenty years working as an Office Coordinator in the hospital until she released her debut novel, โ€œThe Rings of Faolan-Emeralds,โ€ through The Wild Rose Press.

In 1999, Kristal suffered a debilitating disease called โ€œGuillain-Barre Syndrome.โ€ This rare disease damaged the nerves in her body requiring the use of drop-foot braces in order to walk. Kristal considers herself a survivor and encourages anyone with a disability to follow their dreams.

Kristal has one more book contracted with The Wild Rose Press which will release in 2019. She is considered a hybrid author since she published โ€œHand-Carved Wolfโ€ on her own. Kristal is an avid reader who enjoys romance from all genres, but paranormal is her favorite.


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  1. This sounds interesting

    1. It is! I've always loved a great werewolf romance myself, so I wrote a Thanks for your interest Elaine.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Sue! I think it's a good book, but then I wrote!

  3. I like the cover, love the bling. Sounds like a great story and I'm intrigued about how the Lycans fare and how it turns out for them.

    1. Thank you Katieoscarlet! Debbie Taylor did the cover. The male model looks like he's lying on the It is a great story! I've always loved a good werewolf romance. Hope you enjoy the book!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You set out for revenge and end up with an arranged marriage. Talk about digging two graves.

    1. Hi Richard! Twists and turns make an interesting read. Throw in a little paranormal and it's all the Hope you like the book!

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Em! I'm so glad you want to read my book. Hope you enjoy every delicious detail!

  7. Gorgeous covers with the jewels. I like how this romance story has a paranormal twist!

    1. Thank you Emmaline! The jewels play an important role in each book. The cover was done by Debbie Taylor. It looks like the male is lying on the What better for a werewolf romance? Hope you like it!

  8. Love this cover sounds like a good book.


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