Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: That Guy and That Girl by Natalia Albrite đź’• Behind the Scenes, Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway đź’• (Contemporary Romance)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

That Guy and That Girl by Natalia Albrite đź’• Behind the Scenes, Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway đź’• (Contemporary Romance)

Olivia Meadows is excited to finish her senior year of college as a volleyball national champion beside her teammates and best friends. A complication arrives in the form of John Hunter, that guy, her brother’s best friend whom she has had a secret crush on since she was eleven years old. Effortlessly charming and handsome, with a body honed by years of playing football, John initiates his charm offensive and Olivia finds herself unable to resist him.

John Hunter is pumped to finish his senior year of college as a football national champion beside his teammate and best friend. The only thing missing is that girl, Olivia Meadows, his best friend’s little sister. He needed to sow some wild oats before settling down with Olivia but now he is ready for something serious with the girl he has always admired.

Be careful what you wish for. John and Olivia find themselves dealing with adult consequences very quickly and wondering if their young love can endure the pressures of adulthood. Will they find deeper love or implode from the pressures of their own making?

Novel Writing at the Crack of Dawn by Natalia Albrite

When I made the amazing decision to write my first romance novel, That Guy and That Girl, I also knew that I would need a designated time that couldn’t be encroached upon by that thing called life. You know, that thing that contains rowdy children, lovely but needy husbands, demanding dogs, etc. I was one determined lady so I decided that I would write weekday mornings, Monday through Thursday from 4:30 am to 6:30 am. Yes, I did say 4:30 am to 6:30 am.

When I explained this to my friends and family, I bet you can predict the responses.They ranged from, “Are you on crack!?” to “Have you lost your mind!?” Neither of those things were true of course--I was just a gal who was determined to reach a goal.
Step One: Write out a pretty solid outline to guide my way through the story. I spent a good two weeks brainstorming and plotting. I’m pretty fastidious when it comes to outlining. My writing history began in writing feature length screenplays and structure is HUGE in that genre (and no, I don’t have any produced movies… yet ;).

Step Two: Give myself a deadline. I love a good deadline. Along with outlining, I also started searching for a developmental editor online that I could hire and lock them in to a date. That process helped me nail down a target I knew I had to reach. After all, I paid her to be on deck for a certain date. Putting money on the line helped me take this process seriously.

Step Three: Commit and stick to my benchmarks. I learned on day one that I could churn out 2,500 words a day and that I liked tackling only one character’s point-of-view at a time. That gave me the information I needed to get clear about my benchmarks. On the conservative side I could expect 10K words from myself each week.

Step Four: Stumble to my computer and write every day that I was committed to. My alarm would go off and I would stumble to my computer in my children’s playroom (the only available space in the house for me to take over). I credit the zombie-like state I was in for being able to just let go and write. I was too fuzzy-headed to critique myself or even drum up any thoughts about being blocked.

And….I did it! My first draft was completed after 30 days of writing. Those were not consecutive days because I did give myself Friday through Sunday off. When it was all said and done I had a 78K first draft that was complete! My draft needed a lot of work and I can tell my revision story another time but I had a draft!

It wasn’t a lifestyle I could maintain forever but it was absolutely perfect for writing a first draft. Probably what I’m most proud of is that I was willing to give myself what I needed to complete something that was really important to me.If I had any takeaways, it would be to encourage everyone to pursue whatever it is you dream of and that the sacrifices are worth it! Oh, and have a plan.

“Hey, I’ve missed you and I’m really glad to see you,” he says as he looks deep into my eyes. Simple words that say everything I want to hear right now. This is exactly what we need: to keep it simple and direct.

I want him to kiss me and I want him to do it now. I want to say ditto so we can get to the good stuff faster but just as quickly I decide to be as clear as he was, “I’ve missed you too and I’m so glad you’re here.”

We both stare at each other for a few seconds and then eventually smirk. He nods and says, “I’m gonna kiss the shit out of you now.”

I nod as he pulls me in closer. One arm moves to my lower back. I place my hands back on the pecs I want to appreciate more fully. He touches his lips to mine so gently. In some ways I want him to rush. I want him to deepen things quickly. But in more ways, I want him to take it slow and let this burn slow between us. It feels like forever since we have appreciated each other in this way.

He is clearly taking the slow route and eventually adds the slightest bit of tongue to his kisses. It’s subtle and I both love and hate the slowness in escalation. I involuntarily moan quietly. He knows how to build the tension. He pulls back and looks into my eyes again, “I love you.”

đź’• Always double-check the price before you buy đź’•


Natalia is a lifelong reader and lover of romance novels. Before finally tapping away at her keyboard to create her own stories, she tried all sorts of professions: elementary school teacher, barista, seller of make-up, baker, and the list goes on. When she isn't pursuing the arts, she's hanging out with her husband, two wacky children, and full-figured Corgi.


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  1. Do you have any ideas for a sequel to the book?

    1. I do, I do! I'm starting with a prequel but I guess technically, I won't be writing a sequel. It's more that you'll see these characters again in subsequent books.

  2. I love best friend's little sister stories!

    1. Me too! Part of it is that I was raised as an only child (I have half and step siblings) and I always dreamed of having an older brother. The great part about writing a book is being able to play out all sorts of fantasies!!

  3. Another great book to discover. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rita! That's actually towards the end when they're mending things...

  5. Thanks for sharing the excerpt. Sounds like a good book.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read it! Much appreciated!

  6. That guy and that girl sounds like a good read. Thank you

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for taking the time to read about it!

  7. This has a unique and flattering cover. I enjoyed reading the excerpt and find this sounds like a good read

    1. Thanks for the cover compliments! I really love it myself and tried to match it when I created the cover for my bonus content. If you decide to check it out on my website, you can see what you think ;-)

  8. My question for the author is: Do you have any special music that you use in order to get inspired with your writing?

    1. In this case, it was all about 90s hip hop! All the old classics from my youth like Arrested Development, Boyz II Men, Vanilla Ice, etc.! Usually I write without music though.

    2. That earlier reply was me (Natalia). Trying to fix it now!

  9. 4:30 am to 6:30 am ..... seriously??I totally understand though as I would have done the same :)

    1. Yep, and it's weirdly addictive. I jumped right into the next novel when I felt a crazy momentum kick in. However, I quickly learned that I wasn't really prepared to start that one and those hours were making me a zombie by the end of the day. With two kids, that's not really an option! So now I know to use that routine wisely and only when I'm fully prepared!

    2. Bummer, I'm facing some technical difficulties over here. The earlier reply was me (Natalia).

  10. I loved reading about this book! Im so excited to read this one.

    1. So glad to hear that! I hope you do read it and it's everything you need it to be!

  11. Love this excerpt sounds like a great read.

    1. Thanks! I really enjoyed writing this book so it feels great to hear such generous compliments!

  12. Replies
    1. Why thank you, Jennifer! I really appreciate that and hope you enjoy it!!

  13. WOW this looks amazing, love the cover and the title

    1. Amazing is a really awesome compliment so thanks for that! Hopefully what's inside matches the cover ;-) (I happen to love it too!)

  14. Replies
    1. The goal: unputdownable. As these things go, it does depend on your taste though ;-)

  15. Replies
    1. I hope you find it to be amazing! Or at least a fun read!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Romance Novel Giveaways, thanks so much for hosting me! This has been a fabulous experience! I apologize for being a day late! I hate a date mixup along with some challenging technical difficulties. I'm patting myself on the back for figuring out that I needed to use a different browser. Bit by bit, I'm learning!

  18. hate = had (I can't leave that unedited!)

  19. Great excerpt, I loved it! Thanks for sharing

    1. You're very welcome! thanks so much for taking the time to read it! For reals!

  20. I love the excerpt and the cover. Adding this to my TBR list.

    1. Aw, thanks! Really appreciate that! I hope you take advantage of the $.99 price. It will stay $.99 until at least 6/10.

  21. Replies
    1. I hope it strikes a balance between fun and real. Some stuff gets serious but there's always hope and happy following it!

  22. That definitely took dedication, whoa! (I'm not a morning person...)


    1. I've become a morning person over time but there was definitely a time when you never could've convinced me I'd become a morning person or that I'd EVER be willing to get up so early. The reason I do it? It works for me better than anything else I've tried.

  23. Replies
    1. Thanks! It was tricky to choose which sections felt like good representations of the whole so thanks for that!

  24. Replies
    1. It's certainly meant to be! It's a genre I happen to love but I know we all have our quirks and faves.

  25. Interesting cover -- makes me want to read the book.

    1. That's good to hear! I know hot bodies are hot but I really like the idea of creating your own vision with the written descriptions of the characters to build from too. I didn't want the cover to get in the way of that.

  26. Love the excerpt can't wait to read this book.

    1. Thanks so much and I hope you do read it and love it!

  27. Thanks for the insight to your writing.

    1. You're welcome! It was really special to look back in that way and think about the whole journey from a new perspective!

  28. If John is five years older than Olivia, how did they end up college seniors at the same time? I should probably just read the book.

    1. He's only a year older. I'll have to hunt back and see where that impression came from--hmmm. But in the meantime, feel free to read it ;-)

  29. Oh young relationships. I'm not really a big YA reader, but I just wanted to say, "full-figured Corgi" had me in stitches! xD

    1. I hear ya--we all have our favorites so I totally get it. My girl, Francesca, is more than a little food obsessed. We are working on trimming down a bit. She's actually an enthusiastic walker so bit by bit hopefully!!

  30. Replies
    1. Thanks for that! It's challenging to pull bits when the whole seems so important. I appreciate you saying that.

  31. I love finding new authors! Look forward to reading your book.

    1. It's the best, right?!?!! I love the discovery process so much!!

  32. Replies
    1. Appreciate it! I worked hard on it so I appreciate all the positive vibes!

  33. This sounds like a great read.

    1. I hope that it is. If it's your thing, I think it can fly by!

  34. I am a sucker for these types of stories since my first boyfriend was my brothers friend.

    1. Love it!! I grew up as an only child and always dreamed of having an older brother!!

  35. It sounds like they have a complicated story.

    1. Yes and no. In some ways, their eventual relationship was inevitable and it also may never have happened. I like playing around with that idea.

  36. Replies
    1. Thanks! That's toward the end of the book when they were finding their footing again.

  37. It's a cute cover, I love they kept the sporty aspect there.

    1. Thanks! I think the designer did an excellent job including the images without being heavy-handed.

  38. Replies
    1. Me too! I don't know that I would have picked them on my own but I sure love what she did. It was one of two choices and this one really stood out to me!

  39. Replies
    1. Thanks! Funny enough, I wrote a blog piece today on the value of book covers! I really enjoyed the process of picking this design!

  40. sounds like a fun one


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