Enjoy this sneak peek inside Ancient Script of Lovecontu audio poem!
A hamster to and fro
One corner to the next
Faster and faster with each step
Blind to what’s around it
Now bruised every which way
Oh, actually, that’s how I’m feeling
A breeze, melodic in pace
Caresses around me
As a cocoon of soft cashmere
Oh, actually, that’s how I’m feeling
Jackhammer blasts through the air
Ricocheting past every decibel level
Breaking glass splinters to the ground
Immeasurable chaos
Oh, actually, that’s how I’m feeling
Smooth luxury blesses my tongue
Sprinkles with surprises of heaven
As nature’s bounty moves in celebration through my body
Oh, actually, that’s how I’m feeling
Honeysuckle saunters in through the screen
To remind me of spring
Accompanied by daffodils sweet aroma
With a promise of what is to come
Oh, actually, that’s how I’m feeling
Feelings to experience,
To allow,
To decode
Feelings as reminders of being alive
And under them all
Hear spirit’s whisper,
”I care about you”
”I care about you.”
contains words of
caresses around
as a cocoon of soft cashmere
accompanied by sweet aroma
allures to intimate nearness
remains a velvet kiss
Ancient Script of Lovecontu contains multiple poems designed to connect to form a story like a heart’s breath, and available as a downloadable mp3 file.
An audio poem that is interwoven in the Lovecontu Song de Light Lovecontu series that includes
Ancient Script of Lovecontu audio poem
Legend of Song de Light audio book
Legend of Song de Light audio play
Lovecontu Song de Light Lovecontu audio set
of a character’s interior heart-that
beautiful, vulnerable, intimate space
feelings, desires, needs, dreams
a blend of
delicate feather ripples of heart waves
needs, feelings, dreams, desires
quiet, gentle heart strings
tender, continuous
soft, vulnerable air mist
circles, weaves to caress
a sonic sea of heart’s breath
Woven into audio books that are recorded in my voice with a medley of music as a heart’s wave into
downloadable mp3 files; audio plays adapted from the audio books, and layered into pdf files like a
heart’s song; audio poems that are multiple poems designed to connect to form a story as a heart’s breath;
and audio sets that are sets of these interconnected stories with elements from each story that interweave
in one another as heart’s wave, heart’s song, heart’s breath.
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Thank you Lauren. Your sharing of my poem means a lot to me.