Meet Jamie Reynolds, aka JR, a graduate of Clark Atlanta University who felt like she was on top of her game. She was young, single, making money and enjoying life. She focused much of her life on working and becoming the best she can be and considered herself as independent as they come and had a good handle on life, or so she thought…
Readers will follow JR over her adult life span as she undergoes emotional, physical and financial twists and turns that are designed to break any independent woman.
The Jamie Reynolds Chronicles (JRC) is a six-part fictional series of books starring a number of characters that impact JR’s life. Old love, new love, lies, secrets and everything in between, over this series you will learn all about the truth behind the drama and haters in her life. Will this make or break JR? Readers will read the rise and fall of an independent woman.
JR was young, single, making money, enjoying life and on top of her game as a successful event manager in Atlanta, Georgia. After graduating from Clark Atlanta University, she focused most of her life on her career, driven by the need to prove herself while working in a men’s field. Atlanta was all about keeping up with the Joneses and JR knew just how to do it. After seven years in Atlanta, she abruptly moved back to New York to be with her family when her dad had a near-death experience. During her move, she met Toni, a single, blue-collar, strong-minded guy who quickly swept her off her feet with his lies. Love was never on her mind, but Toni was different (she thought). Even though they were at two different places in life, JR let her guard down and welcomed him in. After only a few months of their long-distance relationship, things started to move really fast, making JR really nervous. Then the drama began as Toni suddenly moved in with her and she started uncovering the hidden secrets of the real person. As JR was coming to terms with the idea of Toni being in her life, she remained torn between him and her past in Atlanta. A past that included David, her on-again, off-again lover who was everything JR wanted in a man: well-educated with a successful career, good looks, and the drive to want more of everything that Toni didn’t have. However, even after two years of dating, their relationship was like oil and water: they just didn’t mix. As Toni’s real personality was revealed, David looked more and more like the safe place for JR. When her current situation started to heat up, JR began wishing she had her old life back. The Jamie Reynolds Chronicles: Lust and Lies is just the beginning as JR tries to find the right balance in her life; however, that happy balance is not so easy find, especially when it’s full of lust and lies. |
Just as Jamie Reynolds, aka JR, stepped outside of her comfort zone and lets her guard down with Toni, she quickly understood why she had it up in the first place. Toni was nothing like he pretended to be, and after three years of his lies, JR finally had had enough and found the courage to leave. JR didn’t have many friends and was so embarrassed at her life’s direction she tried to pretend she was okay, but her true friends knew better. This included David, her past lover, who was happy she was back in Atlanta, but things just weren’t the same between them. Maybe because JR was still legally married to Toni, as he refused to sign the divorce papers, or maybe because David’s life was moving forward and JR’s life had fallen backwards. This new JR was nothing like her old self. JR was once a strong independent woman, but now she can’t even look herself in the mirror without falling apart. After years of lies and now emotional abuse from Toni, who refuses to let her go, she just couldn’t hold it all in and finally her emotions started to get the best of her. JR tried to drink her problems away, which only made things worse, as she truly lost her direction. Then her life unexpectedly came crashing down after her friendship with Terry took a turn for the worse. One by one JR not only lost her old friends, but she also lost her way, which led JR to seek help. Jenny was JR’s saving grace, and after diving deep into her past, she finally began to uncover the hidden secrets of the real JR. Secrets even JR hid from herself. As Jenny encouraged JR to let her guard down yet again and explore dating, she met Mike, a twenty-five-year-old young professional who was nothing like Toni. He was educated, had a thriving career, and truly supported JR even after watching the drama unfold between Toni and her, but he never ran, and JR appreciated his strength. Lust and Lies was just the beginning as The Jamie Reynolds Chronicles continues and JR is faced with the newest chapter in her life, a life full of questionable memories into her past, present and future self. |
There are three sides to every story, her side, his side and the truth, as the men of the Jamie Reynolds Chronicles tell all. Jamie Reynolds, aka JR, takes center stage of her own reality as she becomes the focal point of David, her on-again, off again lover who was everything JR wanted in a man, yet their relationship was like oil and water—they just didn’t mix. Blue, JR’s first and only friend with benefits, thought he was okay with his role of friend and convenient lover, but ultimately the friendship always outshone his need for something more. Robert, aka Rob, who didn’t see anything wrong with having his cake and eating it too as he tried to juggle Maria (his fiancée), JR (his girlfriend) and multiple other women. Terry, JR’s play brother, wanted to do more than just play. Toni, JR’s blue-collar and now petty and bitter ex, vowed to make JR life miserable at any cost. Wes, JR’s first high school love, had to take a backseat as JR grew up and moved on with a successful life as he still ran the streets, wishing he had JR back again. And Mike, a younger man who stole JR’s heart, struggled with growing up as he battled the thoughts in his head and the passion in his heart. Pillow Talk is a unique twist to the backstory from the point of view of the men in the Jamie Reynolds Chronicles as they also uncover their true lust, lies and secrets. |
Some say it’s better to have loved and lost than not to love at all? But when love can cost you your peace of mind, you wonder if it is all worth it in the end. Just as Jamie Reynolds, aka JR, feels as if life is as perfect as it can be—new home, good friends, good job, amazing man, and money in the bank—she comes to notice it is just Too Good To Be True as one by one she unravels the truths behind this so-called Perfect Life. No one saw it coming, including JR. She knows no relationship is perfect as she struggles to keep herself together and slowly realizes it’s all full of lies, and it’s becoming a battle she may not be able to win as she gets hit with unexpected twist after twist that will turn her world upside down. Love, or the lack of it, can make people do stupid things, as JR tries to mentally, physically and emotionally prepare for this phase in her life, but the aftermath of her new reality may drive her back to an old fling just to feel loved again. But is this what JR truly wants and needs right now in her life? Watch as JR stumbles to find inner peace after losing it all, which can turn any strong, sane woman crazy as she battles with stress and self-hate all because it was just Too Good To Be True. |
Casandra always wanted to write a book but hesitated for many years, as she suffers from adult dyslexia. She never allowed her disability to hold her back on anything, and she finally completed her first book, Jamie Reynolds Chronicles: Lust and Lies, in 2015, Secrets Revealed in 2016, Pillow Talk in spring 2018, Too Good To Be True in fall 2018 and Pillow Talk 2 (forthcoming) Summer 2019.
She is the successful owner of Smell the Sunset, LLC, which is an umbrella company for Creative Encores, LLC, an event planning business, and What’s Good USA, a Good News website that highlights good news from around the United States, and now her newest adventure, author.
Casandra loves to travel and explore and has a bucket list of places to visit a mile long as she slowly begins to check off a new destination every few months. She lives by many mottos, but her favorite one is “Live Laugh Love,” which is also tattooed on her left arm to remind her every day to Live today, Laugh often and Love always.
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