Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Millionaire B & B by Robin Daniels đź’• Book Blast & Gift Card Giveaway đź’• (Romantic Comedy)

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Millionaire B & B by Robin Daniels đź’• Book Blast & Gift Card Giveaway đź’• (Romantic Comedy)

Sadie is a successful romance author. She can write a swoon-worthy man with the best of them but can’t seem to find one for herself. Miles is the cute and wealthy heir to Copeland Press, Sadie’s publishing house. It’s hard to find a woman in his social circle who appreciates a down-to-earth book nerd.

When a twist of fate has Miles and Sadie double booked in the same vacation rental, they decide to share the cabin. Even though Miles isn’t Sadie’s type, she can’t deny the chemistry between them. Sadie’s down for a flirty fling, but Miles has other plans. He’s got a huge crush, and just one week to convince Sadie they were meant for a happily ever after.


Miles set the bowl down and turned to face me. He was wearing a black apron that had red lips all over it and read Kiss the Cook. Underneath the apron were some nicely-fitting jeans and a maroon T-shirt that said something about Gryffindor. “Kiss the Cook, huh? Is that the price for breakfast?”

“No, breakfast is free…but I do accept tips.” He winked, and I shoved a giant strawberry in my mouth to stave off a giggle. Seems I also had a fourteen-year-old girl inside of me who was fighting the horny sixteen-year-old boy for control of my body.

Time to put the ball in his court. “If you plan to cook like this every morning, you should probably just stay for the rest of the week.” It came out sounding more forward than I’d intended. I popped in another grape and held my breath while I chewed. Miles cocked his head to the side, searching my eyes for what felt like minutes. I was starting to feel stupid because I’d just thrown it out there, not bothering with subtlety.

Before I could withdraw my offer, he asked, “Let me get this straight. I can crash your vacation, and the only thing you want in return is breakfast?” His tone held a hint of innuendo, and his mouth tipped up at the corners, making his eyes crinkle.

There’s no way I was reading into that one. I gave him a playful smile and nodded. “Yep. Breakfast is the only fee. Of course, I do accept tips.”



Robin is an overgrown child who fancies herself a bit of a comedienne. She loves to laugh, crack jokes, create flirty characters, write witty banter and believes in happy endings. Robin lives outside of Phoenix with her wonderful husband, five crazy kids and naughty labradoodle puppy. Millionaire B&B is her first adult rom-com, but she has six YA titles that are equally fun.


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  1. Sounds good. Thanks for sharing the excerpt.

  2. Good Morning! I'm so happy to have Romance Novel Giveaways hosting Millionaire B&B today. I'm the author and love interacting with readers. I'll check in periodically so if you have questions or comments for me, fire away! :-)

  3. I think this sounds like it will be a very good read.

    1. I hope you'll check it out. I think it's really fun, but I'm kind of partial. :-)

  4. Congratulations on your new release and good luck on the tour! And thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  5. This sounds great! I can't wait to read it.


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