Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Presenting the Marriage of Kelli Anne & Gerri Denemer by P.D. Alleva đź’• Behind the Scenes, Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway đź’• (Dark Romance)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Presenting the Marriage of Kelli Anne & Gerri Denemer by P.D. Alleva đź’• Behind the Scenes, Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway đź’• (Dark Romance)

The Denemer's had it all: Fame, fortune, family, and the American Dream. But tough times have landed on their doorstep— Gerri's acting career is mired in controversy, financial decline is strangling the family bond, and his marriage to Kelli Anne is on the rocks. He'd rather die than face another catastrophe, something the Devil is more than eager to assist. On the night Gerri attempts to end his suffering, his plan is thwarted by a voice in his smart TV, pulling him into a dimension where past, present, and future collide, and the fate of the human race hangs in the balance. But Gerri is not alone. The Devil's minions are nipping at his heels and Kelli is right behind them, determined to save her family and put right what has gone wrong. Will they be successful? Is the bond between husband and wife strong enough to defeat evil? Will they prevent World War III or will evil's plan triumph? Presenting the Marriage of Kelli Anne and Gerri Denemer: A Horror Story, is a tour de force thriller of dark fiction, romance, and horror in an epic battle between good and evil.

The Story Behind the Story

I had to reach deep into my soul to write this story. It’s personal on so many levels. I started off wanting to write a story that reflected personal beliefs on society, spirituality, mental illness and personal journeys. I’ve spent the last fifteen years as a trauma and PTSD psychotherapist including addiction, depression and anxiety. Most often when we confront our darkness we find the light. Also, after the Las Vegas shooting I heard a lot from people blaming G-d for what had happened. Bringing up and questioning how such a heinous act could fit into the overall “plan.” But my personal beliefs don’t fit into this mold. Like Einstein said, “I am at all events convinced that He does not play dice.” Then bring in some clairvoyant friends of mine who’d say that evil has a plan too. I’m always reminded of a quote from the movie, The Usual Suspects, “The greatest trick the devil evil pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Mold these concepts together and the story had begun.

However, I had to put the book on hold for a bit of time. Personal trials and tribulations became readily apparent. It’s amazing that when you’re down its so hard and difficult to see the light that’s right in front of your eyes. Sometimes we have to rely on those who love us the most to take our hand and lead us through the madness and darkness. This is where my wife comes in. Yes, the book is dedicated to my wife, Lisa, and with good cause. She brought the story together, mended the fences and found the light.

So what had been a horror story became a love story or rather a dark love story. There’s so many subtle themes and philosophies in this book (connection with other human beings, how our actions have a profound butterfly effect, multiple lives, alternate dimensions and yes, spirituality) but mostly its about love. Yes, marriage can be hell, love too, and I had to apologize to my wife considerably while writing the book for putting Kelli through so much hell as she fights to save her family and bring Gerri into the light. Fortunately, behind every man is a woman rolling her eyes.

I’m sure you’ve all heard the term, “method actor” before, but for writers we go through a similar process. It took a deep and profound state of mind to delve into the reasons why Gerri would commit suicide and I had to reach into my own darkness to find those reasons. You’ve got to feel it in the book to understand why this journey is taking place, discovering little tid bits of information on past happenings between Gerri and Kelli along the way. It’s a journey the reader takes with Gerri (and Kelli), discovering the timeline of events that brought on current circumstances. Such is life, we don’t’ always know why we’re going through whatever adversity we are going through when we’re in the thick of things. Like the old saying, “You can’t see the forest from the trees,” often times its not until the storm has passed that we can see clearly. Our pain is a sculptor that ultimately changes our identity, putting life into perspective and along the way gives us something to hold dear and close to our hearts.

There’s not just one influence in the universe, there are many multitudes of energies at play everywhere around us. Every time I feel a soft wind I feel at peace. Every time I see another human being I hope for the best for them. Be wise and be kind, I tell my kids and have enough courage to just be yourself. The story behind the story is simple. Love conquers all!

He ran to the house, struggling through the wind that sought to push him over, to deter him from entering that house.

“No, Gerri,” the chaperone hollered. “Do NOT go in there!”

But Gerri quickened his pace.

The chaperone was in front of him.

He turned to go around him.

The chaperone was in front of him.

He jerked to the left, running at max speed.

The chaperone was in front of him, pushed Gerri to the ground. Picked him up and clasped Gerri’s shoulders with an iron hand.

“It’s not allowed, Gerri.”

“What’re you talking about? I just want to go home.”

The chaperone laughed. He started pacing, circling Gerri with his hand on Gerri’s shoulder.

“What do you think, Gerri, hang yourself and you get to go back home? No, no, no, Gerri. Look around you. You’re not even close to home!”

“What? That can’t be!”

“Between worlds, Gerri! That’s where you are. What’s in that house is nothing. Nothing more than the slither of energy you left, the portal of death with the stink of fear. You’re not welcome there. Not welcome at all.” He slipped his hand off Geri’s shoulder. Stepped an arm’s length away from him.

“No, no, no, this can’t be! This can’t be.”

“Oh, yes, Gerri, it can, and it is.”

The chaperone paused.

“It’s best that you come with me Gerri.”

Gerri screamed, “Where did I go wrong?”

The chaperone stiffened.

He turned to the house and paused.


P.D. Alleva is an author, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist specializing in trauma, addiction and mental health. He is the author of several books, including fiction novels, Indifference and A Billion Tiny Moments In Time…, Seriously Twisted; These Gods of Darkness (Poetry), Let Your Soul Evolve (1st and 2nd ed), and Spiritual Growth Therapy: Philosophy, Practices and Mindfulness Workbook (non-fiction). He has developed behavioral protocols for addiction and mental health and teaches mindfulness, Buddhist meditations and manifestation techniques to his patients as a means and alternative to using pharmaceuticals. He is currently in private practice with his wife, Lisa. He lives with his wife and children in Boca Raton, Florida.


Win a $75 Amazon or B&N gift card!



  1. Thank you for hosting. Feel free to ask questions and of course post as many comments as you'd like. I'll be checking in throughout the day to answer any questions. Good luck to everyone on the giveaway. I hope everyone has an awesome day.

  2. I like the excerpt!


  3. I don't read a lot of romances but love the stories when they are dark and mysterious like this one.

  4. The cover really creeps me out! I have to read this book! :)

    1. Glad the cover got your attention, Judy. LMK your thoughts on the book. Feel free to connect with me on Facebook. I always enjoy listening to reader feedback.

  5. This sounds interesting and scary at the same time. I cannot even imagine going through anything like that.

    1. Thank you Sue. Happy Reading! LMK your thoughts on the book.

  6. Sounds good can't wait to read this.

  7. Great excerpts. Sounds like a good horror book!

    1. Thank you Thank you. Enjoy the read. It's perfect for this time of year.

  8. i think this would be nice to be a movie.,...

    1. Agreed. That would be something to see. Thank you. Good luck on the giveaway.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, thank you. LMK your thoughts on the book.

  10. I enjoyed the post. Sounds like a good read. I like the cover too.

  11. Do you have any resolutions for the new year? Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. Release at least two books this year, maybe three. Live peacefully.

  12. The cover and excerpt sound intriguing! Adding this to my tbr list.

  13. Awesome. Ty Veronica. LMK your thoughts on the story.

  14. Its not easy coming up with new scenarios when it comes to books. I love the idea of a married couple facing and hopefully defeating the darkness. Very intrigued It sounds a little dark as in sometimes we have to face darkness full on and deal with what comes our way. True to life sometimes and keeping the light and going forward can be confronting and difficult.

  15. well that is a spooky cover and sound like it may be a little scary.

  16. I love the cover! I also appreciated & enjoyed the "story behind the story" - I like learning about books & authors this way. :)


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