Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: True by Ann Everett 💕 Behind the Scenes, Book Tour & Prize Pack Giveaway 💕 (Contemporary Romance)

Sunday, June 24, 2018

True by Ann Everett 💕 Behind the Scenes, Book Tour & Prize Pack Giveaway 💕 (Contemporary Romance)

Sometimes it takes losing everything…

True Shanahan must be the unluckiest woman in the world. Either that or she’s cursed. After another failed relationship, True leaves Dallas with a broken heart and new attitude. It’s time to walk on the wild side. But when she makes a wrong turn and ends up in Bluebird, Texas, the only man she wants is anything but reckless.

…to find all you’ve ever wanted.

Ritter Malone is the town’s favorite son and has the local hero awards to prove it. Seems he’s always in the right place at the right time. But when he crosses paths with True, his life takes a turn he never sees coming. Her songwriting skills may be questionable, but her ability to turn him inside out is indisputable.
Welcome to Bluebird, Texas.

Where a chance meeting gives two people a chance at love.

In my latest book, True, main character True Shanahan writes quirky songs. I had no problem coming up with titles. However, then I realized I’d need at least a few lyrics. Ah oh. That might be a problem. But, I had a brilliant idea. Why not use Fiverr? They were bound to have plenty of people on there with musical talent.

I spent the better part of an evening searching for vendors who might be able to help. I chose a few and figured at five bucks a pop, surely, I’d get something useful. I sent them a song title and a brief background explaining how True had suffered a lot of bad breakups and chose to write songs about them.

Once I discovered some of the members on Fiverr charged extra for publishing rights, I looked for those who included the rights for the basic $5 gig. I found several. I spent about $25 and even though I was only able to use a few lines from each writer, they were helpful.

Who knew writing bad songs would be so hard? And by bad, I mean not good. So, with a few lyrics to add to those I’d already penned, I decided I needed to look in a different direction for help. I’ve belonged to a writing/review site since 2010, and they have a lot of poets on there. I contacted one and she gave permission to use one of her poems or at least some lines from it…which I did. Just one problem, she wrote serious stuff, but I figured True needed a serious song or two. Then two more members offered poems, and I used some lines from theirs.

I posted on Facebook to see if any of my followers wrote songs. They didn’t, but one friend sent me something she’d written, and I used part of it. I even asked family members and two of my little sweethearts came up with something I was able to use.

Then I remembered a man on The Next Big Writer who was a professional songwriter and had been for thirty years. Jackpot!

In the end, with help from family, friends, and acquaintances, I came up with 15 songs. In the back matter of True, I have her songbook that includes titles:
You Can’t Emoji Your Way Out of This
You Give me Asthma
Bad Birthday
Downie Brownie
There was Nothing Between Us but Your Penis—just to name a few.

I learned something from writing this story. I might be able to write a 350 page book, but I am no songwriter!

When Ritter arrived at the gym, he spotted Cole jumping rope. He stopped and glanced at the wall clock. “You’re late. Roommate didn’t have you tied up, did she?”
“Very funny. We got a dog. Stayed up playing with him. I hit the snooze one time too many.”
Cole ran a towel over his face, then his lips curled. “That’s not good.”
“What? Getting a puppy?”
“Naw. The we in that sentence sounds like a contract extension.”
Ritter stretched. “I won’t lie. I’ve gone home to an empty house so long, thought having someone there would drive me nuts, but it hasn’t—for the most part.”
Cole stepped on the nearest treadmill, turned it on, and ran a steady pace. “I gotta hand it to you. You’ve managed to sleep with her and keep your hands to yourself. Or have you?”
Ritter climbed onto the machine next to Cole’s and matched his stride. No need to confess he hadn’t exactly resisted, but he’d not passed second base—by much. Had it not been for the phone call, he would have hit a home run. He’d had the wood for it. “No.”
“Come on. No way you haven’t hit that. Especially after what you told me about her coming on to you.”
“That’s why I can’t let her stay. My resistance is wearing thin.”
Ritter and Cole’s phones sounded a text at the same time. Ritter read his, then shot Cole a look. “Turns out, we’re off this afternoon.”
Cole dropped his cell back into the cupholder. “I’ve never been to New Jersey. You?”
“Nope but looks like the storm is calling us there.”

Award winning author, Ann Everett embraces her small town upbringing and thinks Texans are some of the funniest people on earth. When speaking to writing groups, businesses, book clubs, and non-profit organizations, she incorporates her special brand of wit, making her programs on marketing, self-publishing, and the benefits of laughter, informative and fun.


LOTS of prizes!

💕 Click on the image to enter 💕



  1. Thanks, Olga. I'm happy you stopped by True's blog tour and took the time to comment! ~Ann

  2. RNG! Thanks so much for hosting me and True on your blog today. I truly appreciate it.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment. ~Ann

  4. I like the names Harper and Hayden.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

    1. Thank you, Sherry! I appreciate your entry. ~Ann

  5. The book sounds like a good summer read. Thank you.


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