Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Coming Together by Leigh White 💗 FREE eBook Spotlight 💗 (Contemporary Romance)

Friday, December 1, 2017

Coming Together by Leigh White 💗 FREE eBook Spotlight 💗 (Contemporary Romance)

Coley Garner's dream of refurbishing the Starling Place and turning it into the most popular bed-and-breakfast in the North Georgia mountains is about to come true. But when a nearby city threatens the future of her small, farming town, Coley must swallow her pride and ask for the help of Dean Alexander, the man who left her--and Laurelvale--years ago.
Dissatisfied with the life he created for himself in Atlanta, Dean Alexander returns to Laurelvale to claim his inheritance. Hoping to deal with his family land and escape town quickly, Dean's plans are foiled when he encounters Coley Garner, the only woman who might have convinced him to stay.

Will Coley and Dean come together to realize that their past might be complicated, but their future doesn't have to be?
Warning: This novel does not fade to black when things get intimate. Naughty behavior ahead.


Leigh loves the sexual tension of those romantic scenes, but always felt a little empty when they cut to commercial. A slow build-up of tension deserves a satisfying release! She decided to write the Starling Place Contemporary Romance Series to combine the best of both worlds: Sweet Stories without the fade-to-black when things get steamy.

If a Hallmark Movie and a Bodice Ripper had a baby,
it would be a Contemporary Romance Novel by Leigh White.


1 comment :

  1. Thank you for spotlighting Coming Together! I hope your readers enjoy the story. I sure had fun writing it. :D


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