Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Leader of Titans by Kathryn Le Veque đź’— Book Tour & Tablet Giveaway đź’— (Medieval Romance)

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Leader of Titans by Kathryn Le Veque đź’— Book Tour & Tablet Giveaway đź’— (Medieval Romance)

1444 A.D.
Constantine le Brecque is a man of many facets. As the bastard son of Henry V, he was raised in secret to protect him from the king's enemies and lived his life knowing that his royal blood was a curse. He was, however, properly educated and trained as a knight, and one of the very best England has ever seen. But when he falls in love with the wrong woman, the course of his life is irrevocably changed....

Now, Constantine is known as the fearsome English pirate called LEADER OF TITANS, but his experience with his ex-lover wasn't enough to drive him away from women. He loves them, and loves them in droves. Passion, plunder, and pirates is his motto.

Enter Lady Greggoria "Gregg" de Moyon. A pious woman, she was given a sacred object by her husband, an object much sought after by the terrible French pirates who roam the coast between Brittany and England. When her husband is killed by the French pirates on their quest for the treasure, Greggoria must turn to Constantine for help. She knows that only a pirate of equal strength can fight off the French and save her from most certain doom.

Constantine is more than willing to help the beautiful woman with the unusual name. But when he unexpectedly falls for her, the man with more women than a Arab sheik finds that his task has just become unbearably complicated. Can he save Greggoria from the French pirates who want to see her dead? And the mysterious treasure that she is protecting... will it be his destruction?

NOTE: This is Book 2 in the Lords of the Sea pirate series, written by Eliza Knight and Kathryn Le Veque. Eliza Knight's novel, SAVAGE OF THE SEA, is Book One in this series. All books are stand-alones but much more fun if read together!

It was an interesting tale, one that gave Gregoria more insight into the man, which was exactly what she hadn’t wanted to do. Now, she was feeling some sympathy for him as she understood his path to a life of piracy.

“MacDougall,” she murmured pensively. “I seem to have heard that name, haven’t I?”

Constantine nodded. “If you have lived near the sea, or have had dealings with merchant vessels, then you have surely heard of him,” he said. “He is a pirate prince, literally, adopted by the last in a long line of pirate princes, dating back hundreds of years to a man named Arthur MacAlpin. Shaw is a pirate in every sense of the word, but he and I have something most pirates lack.”

She cocked her head curiously. “What is that?”


Gregoria’s gaze lingered on the man. She was becoming increasingly enamored with him, whether or not she realized it. He had an oddly gentle way about him, completely unexpected from a man with such a reputation, and when he spoke of honor… there was no doubt in Gregoria’s mind that he knew what it meant.

“That is not a word usually associated with piracy,” she said, “yet you speak as if you understand it.”

He lifted his eyebrows, slowly inching in her direction. In fact, he’d been inching in her direction for the past few minutes, only she hadn’t noticed because she hadn’t moved away. He’d been so discreet about it that she hadn’t even realized he was trying to close the distance between them.

“I do understand it,” he said, his voice quietly. “I was trained as a knight. I fostered in the finest houses until I was of age and then I was knighted by my master. But I never really had the opportunity to use my skills because the incident with MacDougall came shortly thereafter and I have been at sea ever since. But one does not forget honor, not even when one lives the life of a pirate.”

Gregoria was coming to think that there was far more to Constantine le Brecque than met the eye, but in a good sense. This was no mindless, blood-thirsty pirate. This was a man of insight and feeling. She found herself wanting to dig deeper, to know more about him, because everything she knew about him had been relayed to her by Lord Wembury.

There were always two sides to every story, and to every reputation.


KATHRYN LE VEQUE is a USA TODAY Bestselling author, a charter Amazon All-Star author, and a #1 bestselling, award-winning, multi-published author in Medieval Historical Romance and Contemporary Romance. She has been featured in the NEW YORK TIMES and on USA TODAY's HEA blog.

In March 2015, Kathryn was the featured cover story for the March issue of InD'Tale Magazine, the premier Indie author magazine. Kathryn was the the winner of Uncaged Book Reviews Magazine "Raven Award" for Favorite Medieval Romance (Vestiges of Valor) and Favorite Cover, all Genres (Queen of Lost Stars) for 2017.

Kathryn's Medieval Romance novels have been called 'detailed', 'highly romantic', and 'character-rich'. She crafts great adventures of love, battles, passion, and romance in the High Middle Ages. More than that, she writes for both women AND men - an unusual crossover for a romance author - and Kathryn has many male readers who enjoy her stories because of the male perspective, the action, and the adventure.

On October 29, 2015, Amazon launched Kathryn's Kindle Worlds Fan Fiction site WORLD OF DE WOLFE PACK. As Kindle World's FIRST Historical Romance fan fiction world, Kathryn Le Veque's World of de Wolfe Pack will contain all of the great story-telling that readers have come to expect from many of historical romance's best authors.

Kathryn loves to hear from her readers. Please find Kathryn on Facebook at Kathryn Le Veque, Author, or join her on Twitter @kathrynleveque, and don't forget to visit her website at


Win a a Sterling Silver Gemstone necklace and a 7" Samsung Galaxy tablet!

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