Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Sheik's Rescue by Ryshia Kennie ❤️ Book Blast & Gift Card Giveaway ❤️ (Romantic Suspense)

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Sheik's Rescue by Ryshia Kennie ❤️ Book Blast & Gift Card Giveaway ❤️ (Romantic Suspense)

Zafir Al-Nassar knows everything about Jade Van Everett. He's studied the cases she's worked for his family's company and for the FBI. And it's hard not to notice that she's absolutely gorgeous. Teaming up for a routine security detail, Jade is desperate to prove herself and Zafir can't help but admire her determination. But when their assignment turns deadly, it becomes difficult to stay focused on the job. Because although they were hired to protect a Morrocan royal from a trained assassin, Zafir also has every intention of keeping Jade safe and by his side. Forever.

She turned around and walked past him. Zafir watched her and really wished he hadn’t for his gaze couldn’t help but go down to her perky butt that… That was twice he’d been caught by that part of her anatomy. He needed to pull his gaze away, to take his thoughts from the soft, rounded… It took everything he had.


He wrapped his palm around the back of his neck as if a stranglehold massage would stop his thoughts. But his hand was only hurting his neck and doing nothing to stop the overwhelming awareness of her as a very attractive female. He wasn’t sure what would help, but physical pain wasn’t doing it. He dropped his hand.

He was unable to drag his eyes from her. Her figure curved in all the right places. He wanted to run his hands over her. He wanted to do so much more.

He couldn’t.

He pushed the thoughts from his mind. They had a case to solve and a client to protect. He turned around, heading for the bedroom. He knew she’d gotten information from Stan, but after what he’d learned, he thought it was time they both sat down and had a long talk with him.


Jade turned from the kitchen window and as she did, he met the question in her eyes. He stood in the doorway of their client’s room, his fists clenched, all thoughts of passion or attraction forgotten.

“He’s gone.”

❤️ To be released May 1 ❤️


❤️ Click on the image to learn more ❤️

The Canadian prairies are my home and while the prairie landscape is blessed with beautiful blue skies, it also has four seasons that come on full throttle – especially winter and because of that I like to travel. Often on those trips, stories are born.

In 2011 I won my city's writing award, and was the first romance writer to do so since its inception. In 2013 my romantic suspense was a semi-finalist in the Kindle Book Awards. Published in historic romance and paranormal romance as well as romantic suspense, in February 2016, my first novel was published by Harlequin Intrigue.

There’s no lack of places to set a story as my imagination and the too long prairie winters may find me seeking adventure. The memories of those worlds both near and far, the words of a stranger, the furtive look one man gives another, often become the catalyst for a suspenseful story with a deadly villain and an intrepid hero and heroine who must battle for their right to love or even their right to live.

When not dreaming of other stories, I can be found scouting out a garage sale or two, dusting off my roller blades or just thinking about the next adventure that may be miles away or in my own backyard.


Win a $15 Amazon or B&N gift card!

@GoddessFish @ryshiakennie


  1. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Hi Lisa - Thanks for having me.

    I'm excited to be here and have book two of the series out to share with all of you. I loved all the brothers but there was something about Zafir. Jade saw it too. Love at first sight - I don't think it happens all the times but once in a while. Do you believe in love at first sight?

  3. Thank you for the excerpt & giveaway.

  4. Sheik's Rescue sounds like an exciting read. Thank you

  5. I love the cover ! I can't wait to read this book !

  6. Great excerpt, sounds like an awesome book!

  7. Sounds like an interesting read. Morocco sounds like an interesting storyline. Adding to my TBR list.

  8. Sounds like an interesting read. Morocco sounds like an interesting storyline. Adding to my TBR list.

  9. To Ryshia: I would like to give thanks for all your really great writings, including Sheik's Rescue. I wish the best in keeping up the good work in the future.


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