Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: 51 Love by Jeremy T. Ringfield ❤️ Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway ❤️ (New Adult Romantic Suspense)

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

51 Love by Jeremy T. Ringfield ❤️ Book Tour & Gift Card Giveaway ❤️ (New Adult Romantic Suspense)

This story is about Abram, a hopeless romantic who enrolls into college and begins leaving love notes for the girl, Jec, who works at the front desk of his student apartments. About why they know each other when neither have even met. That's right, she had seen his face only two weeks earlier, when he tossed his book bag in the middle of the street, holding up traffic like a mad homeless man. But what she doesn't know is that just before he came to grab his keys to move in, the handsome albeit strange eyes and the person they belong to had just been released from the county jail.

The jail cell talk without any cameras around to record make his last 51 minutes in the pen with a sketchy bunkmate a do or die conversation that may explain why he became homeless, why he wrote the love letters in the first place, and if both were random at all.

What kind of writer am I?
By Jeremy T. Ringfield

Kind. I don’t like to grip the words so loose that I can’t hang the ending in a noose. Then you ask if that’s kind? You can guess if you desire, whether it’s ice or it’s fire, but I tend to hold tight what you can deduce. So I knot it nicely dear. All you have to do is figure out what you hear. Better get in gear, because my sentences are dripped in temperamental artwork that I can describe as nothing but K.I.N.D.
Kind. Knot it nicely dear. I like it in enthralling where the talk is chopped as I sip a little time with a bad one… I got it better and denied it every time for her until I found a glad one. Then the pull comes from both ends, who wins? Listen. I implore you to listen her, I want somebody. I just don’t know that you’re that body.
So, kind. Knot it nicely dear. I love it in enamored when the walk is plopped as I slip a bigger time with a glad one… I got it when I met her and replied it every time until I lost my bad one. Then the pull comes from both ends, who wins? Listen. I implore you to listen her, I want somebody. I just don’t know that I’m your body. You’ll think you’ve got two, maybe even three things right, but I kindly love it when the walk is dropped as I fit a little question between whether it’s an “I do” or an “Oh fugg, I didn’t mean to”… Sigh. Such a sweet had one.
Kind? Knot it nicely dear reader. That’s kinder.

As I go to hand him his key and re-washable cup, I remind him that “the lobby coffee is free”, and he glances at my name tag.

I lazily connect my last sentence with the next, saying “Jec, for short”.

He pauses, then shakes his head and asks “What if I want to call you something different?”

I meet his eyes with a stare of my own, slow to respond, blink, and say “It will be okay Abram.” His face scrunches for a moment and his eyes look as though he is wondering straight through me. My glance falls deeper into the hole of an eye, and I see a marble in the night, the dark side of a full moon, which can be plucked right out of the sky to place a piece of the void heaven filled should I grab it and tuck it into my pocket.

The ascension falling as the walls collapse to drop a cloud in his ear, a long fiber weaves my wonder, wherefore out there did he discover?

And I conceived a thought of a single droplet, enough months from now, falling into a gravitationally absent drip time has lost, and him not.

Before I can tell if he eased his facial expression, he walks off keys in hand without another word.

“See, I told you. Killer” Bobby says flatly, and I just return to checking my emails.


Jeremy lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He grew up in the south Atlanta area, where he eventually earned a football scholarship to Duke University. After experiencing enough life to form his own opinions, he enjoys sharing some with friends, reading, watching fantasy thriller and romance films, listening to music, and jogging when he is not writing. He writes new adult fiction.

Jeremy would love to hear from you. Follow him on Twitter @JTRingfield, friend him on Facebook, or visit his webpage at


Win a $50 Amazon or B&N gift card!

@GoddessFish @JTRingfield


  1. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win

  2. Thank you for the excerpt & giveaway.

  3. Looks like a great new book! thanks for hosting the giveaway

  4. Great excerpt. Cant wait to read.

  5. Great excerpt. Cant wait to read.

  6. Thanks for sharing your post, I enjoyed reading it!

  7. After 52 Pickup this is the next big thing.

  8. Congrats on the new book and good luck on the book tour!

  9. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.

  10. I like the excerpt!


  11. I enjoyed the excerpt and I would love to win!

  12. Excellent guest post! Looking forward to checking out this book!

  13. Thank you for the giveaway. This is now on my to read list

  14. This book went straight to my TBR, thank you for introducing me to it!

  15. I will look forward to reading the book.

  16. This sounds like such an intriguing read. I am really looking forward to it.

  17. Thanks for sharing with us the excerpt.

  18. The excerpt is intriguing. Where do you get your inspiration for your story line/plots?

  19. I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

  20. I'm stopping by today to thank you for the giveaway.

  21. This book looks like an interesting book.

  22. Here I am again to wish everyone a good evening.

  23. Another weekend is upon us-have a good one!

  24. I am enjoying my Saturday-thanks again for the giveaway!

  25. sounds like a good book! Thanks for the giveaway

  26. Do you have any quirky things you do if you get writers block or do you find yourself doing mundane things and the words and characters come to you making sure you know they're never going to leave you wordless? :)

  27. Great cover and thanks for the giveaway!

  28. Playing football for Duke on scholarship, is so impressive.

  29. The excerpt was nice. Very intriguing. I like the characters!

  30. I have really enjoyed following the tour and look forward to checking out this book!

  31. Loved the giveaway-looking forward to reading the book!

  32. Leave a comment or ask the author a question...I would like to ask a question Alex.

    Jeremy, what would you say your main character flaw is that you would go to such a heinous place such as Duke University? And did you own a Mercedes, BMW, Saab or Volvo that you parked in the student parking lot?

  33. I liked both the book description, and the excerpt.

  34. What inspires you to write?

  35. To Jeremy: I would like to give thanks for all your really great writings, including 51 Love. I wish the best in keeping up the good work in the future. Thanks for throwing this Book Tour and Giveaway


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