Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: City of Hope and Ruin by Kit Campbell and Siri Paulson ♥ Fun Facts, Book Tour & GIVEAWAY ♥ (LGBTQ+ Fantasy Romance)

Thursday, September 8, 2016

City of Hope and Ruin by Kit Campbell and Siri Paulson ♥ Fun Facts, Book Tour & GIVEAWAY ♥ (LGBTQ+ Fantasy Romance)

Every night the monsters hunt.

A city that is the whole world: Theosophy and her companions in the City militia do their best to protect the civilians from the monsters, but they keep crawling from the Rift and there’s nowhere to run. Theosophy knows she’ll die fighting. It’s the best kind of death she’s seen, and at least she can save lives in the meantime.

They say the Scarred carve you up while you’re still alive.

A village in the shadow of a forest: Refugees from the border whisper about the oncoming Scarred, but Briony can’t convince her brother to relocate his children to safety. Briony will do anything to protect them. She owes them that much, even if it means turning to forbidden magic.

When Theosophy and Briony accidentally make contact across the boundaries of their worlds, they realize that solutions might finally be within reach. A world beyond the City would give Theosophy’s people an escape, and the City’s warriors could help Briony protect her family from the Scarred. Each woman sees in the other a strength she lacks—and maybe something more.

All they need to do is find a way across the dimensions to each other before their enemies close in.

1. Kit and Siri live in different countries (Colorado, USA, and Ontario, Canada respectively) and have been friends online for a decade but have never met.

2. Kit and Siri "met" through National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Each of them has completed NaNoWriMo multiple times.

3. City of Hope and Ruin was published by Turtleduck Press, a publishing co-op run by Kit, Siri, and two other authors, KD Sarge and Erin Zarro. #1 and #2 are mostly applicable to KD and Erin, too.

4. The subtitle of the book, A Fractured World Novel, refers to a shared world that all four Turtleduck Press authors will be playing in. More stories about the world are available for free here.

5. Kit has an obsession with squid.

6. Siri has an obsession with obscure facts that are useless except when doing cryptic crosswords.

7. Neither of these obsessions was much help during the writing of City of Hope and Ruin.

8. Kit and Siri are both pantsing plotters. They planned out the major turning points (or act endings, if you prefer), then wrote and edited the book in chunks. This is much like their normal planning process, but unlike their normal editing process – both of them usually write a complete draft before going back to edit.

9. Each POV (point of view) was written mostly independently. Whenever the two protagonists were in the same scene together, Kit and Siri composed the dialogue together online like an RPG, then went back and filled in the rest of the prose.

10. Technologies used during the planning and writing of the book: Google Docs, Google Hangouts, live text chat, and copious amounts of email.

11. Kit and Siri have both written romance before, but this is the first F/F romance for both. They both feel it wasn't too different from writing M/F, although their answer might be different if the book had been more spicy...

12. It's also the first F/F romance for Turtleduck Press, although KD Sarge has written several M/M romances – a high fantasy novel available here, and a series of SF romances available here. (If it's M/F you like, we have that too!)

The spirit was beautiful, a tall, statuesque woman who had a hard glint in her eyes. Her hair was short, indigo blue through the glow and tightly curled, her skin a lighter shade over wiry muscles. One hand clenched a smallish item made of metal, the other a long tube with some kind of blade on the end. Briony had never seen anyone like her. Though she glanced around and held her body like someone expecting danger, her bearing was proud and strong, and every inch of her spoke of power and competency. A warrior. Briony had heard stories of them, left over from the Great War, but had never seen one herself.

Was that when this woman was from? The War?

“The trio—the monsters—where am I?”

Briony realized she hadn’t responded, and that perhaps this spirit had been looking for someone to talk to for a very long time, and maybe she would assume Briony couldn’t see or hear her either. “Don’t be afraid,” she said.

The spirit's eyebrows rose. "That's a...never mind. What is this place?"

“Well,” Briony started, taking a step forward. But her ankle buckled and she stumbled, managing to catch herself before she fell.

“You’re injured,” said the spirit. “Were you attacked?”

“Yes—you see, there was a Fracture back there, and—” Confusion crossed the spirit’s face. Maybe she was even older; maybe she didn’t know about the War.


Kit Campbell

It is a little known fact that Kit was raised in the wild by a marauding gang of octopuses. It wasn't until she was 25 that she was discovered by a traveling National Geographic scientist and brought back to civilization. This is sometimes apparent in the way that she attempts to escape through tubes when startled.

Her transition to normalcy has been slow, but scientists predict that she will have mastered basics such as fork use sometime in the next year. More complex skills, such as proper grocery store etiquette, may be forever outside her reach.

Kit can be found cavorting about the web at her blog ( or website (, on Pinterest (, and even occasionally on Twitter (

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Siri Paulson

Siri Paulson writes all over the fantasy and science fiction spectrum, including (so far) secondary-world fantasy, urban fantasy, steampunk, Gothic, historical paranormal, and YA with spaceships. She is also the chief editor at Turtleduck Press ( Siri grew up in Alberta, Canada, but now lives in an old house in Toronto. By day, she edits non-fiction for the government. Her other current passion is contra dance, a social/folk dance done to live Celtic and roots music. Her favourite places in the world are the Canadian Rocky Mountains and a little valley in Norway.

Siri's short fiction and the anthologies she has edited can be found on Turtleduck Press, at . She blogs at and tweets at


Win a $50 Amazon or B&N gift card!
@GoddessFish @KitCampbell @Siri_Paulson @TurtleduckPress


  1. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Who are some of your favorite authors; what strikes you about their work?

    1. I have a lot of favorite authors and the list can be a bit exhausting, but let's see--I like Patricia Wrede and Dianna Wynne Jones for their ability to play with something mundane and add wonder to it, I like Brandon Sanderson's ability to craft intricate magic systems, I like the humor in Donna Andrews' mysteries and the wit in Jenny Crusie's romances. And I always cite Terry Brooks, since he's the one who got me into fantasy in the first place.

    2. Oof, that's a tough question! I love authors who write fantasy and/or SF books that really dig deep into the emotional arcs of their characters and also do interesting stuff with the worldbuilding -- Elizabeth Bear, Lois McMaster Bujold, Sarah Monette/Katherine Addison, China Mieville. I also have a soft spot for well-done alternate histories -- Guy Gavriel Kay and Naomi Novik.

  3. It also looks like the links are broken, so if you want free Fractured World stories, go here:

    And if you want to check out the other TDP books, you can go here:

    (Also feel free to ask me for recommendations if you like something specific!)

  4. Great post - I enjoyed reading the fun facts :) thanks for sharing!

  5. Well, I hope they heaheal that rift, although I hate to miss out on some good huntin'.

  6. Well, I hope they heaheal that rift, although I hate to miss out on some good huntin'.

  7. Thank you for the excerpt & generous giveaway.

  8. Still laughing from reading the bit about Kit! OMG! so funny :) Those marauding octopuses must have been fun to live with :)

    1. It had its pluses, but octopuses can be a bit clingy. ;)

  9. Sounds like an interesting book.

  10. Sounds like an interesting book.

  11. Thanks for the fun facts! How interesting that you haven't met offline. I haven't met one of my closest friends offline, myself. The book looks great! I wish you continued good luck with the book tour! :)

  12. Thanks, everyone, for all the great comments! Kit mentioned this already, but my hyperlinks got b0rked, so if you're interested in reading more Fractured World and/or Turtleduck Press stuff, see her comment above.

  13. City of hope and ruin sounds like a fantastic read ♡ Thank you

  14. Congratulations on your new release! I enjoyed this post immensely including the Fun Facts! Thank you so much for sharing.

  15. Thanks for sharingg the excerpt.

  16. Good luck with the book tour, Kit and Siri!

  17. The cover is very pretty. Thanks for the chance.

  18. I think I'm most interested in learning more about the forbidden magic.

  19. The title alone makes me want to read this book!

  20. Oh this sounds like such a great read. I cant wait to read and see what happens with Theosophy and Briony! Sounds like I would have a hard time putting down! Kit is a new author for me!

  21. Im so glad I stumbled across this. Im looking for new authors and books to read. this one sounds like it would be a great read, and i really look forward to checking it out

  22. Sounds like a great read, hope I'll have a chance to read it soon!

  23. What inspired you to write your first book?

    1. My mother wrote books, so I think I just thought it was something people did. I started my first novel at the age of 8.

  24. Shared on Facebook to help spread the word! :)

  25. Thanks, everyone, for all the great comments and the shares!

    Mai: I've been telling stories since before I could write them down. :-) But the first long story I wrote and actually finished was a Star Trek: The Next Generation fanfic.

    - Siri

  26. interesting book with great cover

  27. Let's hope Theosophy and Briony make it.

  28. Congrats on the tour! I can't wait to read this!

  29. Must be hard to decide on your covers, how do you do it?

  30. Congratulations on the tour...many more successes

  31. This is a story that empowers woman, and shows that united we can do great things!


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