Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Playing House by Tammy J. Palmer ♥ Book Tour & GIVEAWAY ♥ (Contemporary Romance)

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Playing House by Tammy J. Palmer ♥ Book Tour & GIVEAWAY ♥ (Contemporary Romance)

Ginny Cotton, bike riding, chess playing, loan processor, has set a new goal: find someone to have sex with. Soon. As in tonight. It’s the only way to finally get over Jason, her best friend, the guy she’s been waiting for since high school--- the guy who is now engaged to her sister. She’s saved her virginity for him since he doesn't believe in premarital sex. What better way to get over Jason than to have sex with someone else? The hot guy Ginny meets through a dating site seems like the perfect choice. There’s only one problem. To achieve her goal, Ginny must first overcome the anxiety that has been holding her back her whole life.

Pierce had been working for a couple of hours when Steele brought him coffee from the shop next door. They stood out front in the sunshine to take a break.

“What happened with Ginny last night?” Steele asked.

Pierce shrugged.

“Not what you were hoping would happen that much is obvious.”

Knowing that his brother would keep at it until he told him, Pierce decided to get it over with. “I found out what she was waiting for, or rather who she was waiting for.”

“Uh-oh. This doesn't sound good.”

“She’s in love with the guy her sister is about to marry.”

“Damn. I was beginning to think she really liked you.”

“So was I.”

A couple minutes passed in silence.

Steele nodded toward the street. “Is that Ginny’s car?”

It was. Ginny got out of her car and started toward him. She wore faded jeans and a pink T-shirt. Her hair was in a ponytail. She probably wasn’t feeling well today. Clearly she was a lightweight which wasn’t a bad thing. Pierce was so focused on Ginny he barely noticed when Steele went back inside.

Ginny stopped a few feet from him. Her face was pale, or maybe it was just because she wasn’t wearing makeup, not that she needed it.

“I’m sorry about last night. I drank too much, acted silly, said things I shouldn't have said.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, determined not to show her any sympathy. “I asked you if there was a specific reason why you waited. You could have told me then that you were waiting for Jason. Instead, you lied during Truth or Dare poker.”

“I didn’t lie. I have been waiting for the right guy.”

“You didn’t mention that the right guy had a name. That’s a lie by omission.”

“The right guy definitely has a name. I was beginning to think it was Pierce, but if you can’t forgive one stupid little omission then I’m probably wrong about that too.” Ginny turned around and stomped off toward her car.

When Pierce caught up to her she was already opening the driver’s side door. “What are you doing? You can’t say something like that and then run away.”

“I’m not running away. I’m leaving. Like you did last night.”

He put his hand on her shoulder, “Ginny…”

♥ Only 99¢ for a limited time ♥

Tammy J. Palmer lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband of twenty-five years and a spoiled cat named Betty Boop. She has two children who turned into pretty darned awesome adults. You can visit her website at:


Win a $10 Amazon or B&N gift card!

@GoddessFish @TammyJPalmer


  1. Is there a book you love that nobody else seems to?

    1. Interesting question. Oddly, the first thing that came to mind is a children's story. My favorite Dr. Suess story is one that I rarely hear anyone else talk about. It's called What was I Scared of? The protagonist is afraid of a pair of pale green pants with nobody inside them. This is a bit creepy, I have to admit. I think those pants represent anxiety in general. I have my own issues with anxiety, as does Ginny, the heroine of Playing House. Coincidence? I think not. Thanks for asking!

  2. Are there any obscure books that you would recommend?

    1. I'm wracking my brain here, but I can't think of anything obscure. I do have a favorite short story. It's called The Yellow Wallpaper. It's by Charlotte Perkins Gillman. It's from long ago so you might be able to find it free. I'm kind of obsessed with things like mental illness, grief, and death. That said, I promise that Playing House is not a depressing read!

  3. I loved the excerpt. I can't wait to read more.

  4. Thanks for the chance, this book sounds so good

  5. I'm off to work, thanks for having me here today!

  6. whats been your greatest unexpected reward to being published?

  7. Great excerpt, but I feel the same now....don't leave me there! Can't wait to read it.

  8. Now I really want to find out everything that was said during Truth or Dare poker.

  9. Ginny on the rebound... I have a feeling her whole world is just opening up! Sounds fun!

  10. Ginny sounds like an interesting character. I would love to read her story.

  11. Thanks for sharing your book. Characters look interesting.

  12. What is your favorite genre to read and write?


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