Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: The Sound of Circumstance by Susan Ann Wall ♥ Book Blast & GIVEAWAY ♥ (Contemporary Romance)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Sound of Circumstance by Susan Ann Wall ♥ Book Blast & GIVEAWAY ♥ (Contemporary Romance)

Happy Release Day!
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Stacie Nightingale doesn’t what the 2.5 million dollars of blood money she’s been awarded as a result of the lawsuit she filed. She also doesn’t want the memories that are flooding her mind, causing her to remember the betrayal that led to her friend’s death and left Stacie with a traumatic brain injury. Neither of those circumstances matter though once her boyfriend Owen Landry proposes to her. She doesn’t want his proposal because of the circumstances that drove him to it. The mysterious woman he seems to be keeping company only fuels her insecurity and doubt. Stacie loves Owen, but with her past continuing to haunt her, she questions if their love is strong enough to survive.

Finally, Stacie met his gaze, a fire in her eyes. Her tender caress left his face, her hands tangling in his hair as she pulled him to her mouth. Her kiss was aggressive, giving more than taking, as though she was trying to prove something. Before Owen could register what that something was, she backed him into the living room until the backs of his legs hit the chair. Stacie’s initial push caused him to drop into the chair and without missing a beat, she straddled his lap and ground her body against him. The friction inspired his cock to wake up, but Owen knew what this was. It wasn't the first time Stacie had tried to use sex to avoid talking about something unpleasant.

He stopped kissing her even though her lips kept moving against his. All the laws of attraction were at work and it was nearly impossible to reverse the momentum, but Owen had never believed sex was a problem solver. As much as he wanted to make Stacie feel better, his instincts told him this wasn't the way.

“Please don't stop,” she pleaded.


“Owen, please. I need you. Right now, I need you.”

The desperation in her voice cracked his heart. He needed her too, if for no other reason than to remind her how much he loved her, how much she meant to him. Owen’s possessive side also pushed him to stake his claim, but now was not the time for either of them to feed their own insecurities. “Then let me hold you.”

“No. Make love to me,” she whispered, her voice a seductive caress in his ear.

“Baby, that's not what you're after.”


Big dreamer and certifiable overachiever Susan Ann Wall embraces life at full speed and volume. She’s a beer and tea snob, can be bribed with dark chocolate, and the #1 thing on her bucket list is to be the center of a Bon Jovi flash mob.

Susan is a nationally bestselling, multi-genre author of racy, rule-breaking romance and women’s fiction. Her bragging rights include nine books in three different series, three perfect children, adopting an amazing rescue dog, and a happily ever after that started while serving in the U.S. Army and has spanned nearly two decades (which is crazy since she’s not a day over 29).

In her next life, Susan plans to be a 5 foot 10, size 8 rock star married to a chiropractor and will not be terrified of large bridges, spiders, or quiet people (shiver).


Win a $15 Amazon or B&N gift card & an eBook by Susan Ann Wall!

@GoddessFish @susanannwall


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