Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Generational Curse by Tracy Reed ♥ Book Tour & GIVEAWAY ♥ (Contemporary Romance)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Generational Curse by Tracy Reed ♥ Book Tour & GIVEAWAY ♥ (Contemporary Romance)

What happens when a celibate Christian man befriends a woman involved with a married man? Sean knows he should run in the other direction, but Kyla tempts him to abandon his Christian beliefs for a taste of the forbidden. But if he continues the relationship, can he convince that being with a married man isn't the fantasy life the generations of women in her family made it appear to be?

Sean Prescott and Kyla James are business associates playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse hoping the other will give in. But in this high stakes relationship game, is there really a winner or will both be losers?
What Fun Facts or Behind The Scenes Facts do I want to share…what a great question.

The road to getting GENERATIONAL CURSE written was a filled with a lot obstacles. I think I might be the only person I know to have their book be the victim of two crashed hard drives. It’s funny now, because the book is published, but at the time I was on the verge of tears.

The first time it wasn’t so bad, because I was only about five chapters in. The second time, the book was done and the only viewable copy was in the proofing stage at Createspace. I went into major prayer.

So how is it, I took every precaution, with one [actually it was two, but I wasn’t using that computer for this project] crashed drive[s] under my belt, did I not have the file backed up? Haven’t got a clue. All I know is, I have a back up drive attached to my computer now.

Here’s what happened. When I started writing this book, I was saving it on a jump drive. Why a jump drive? At the time, I didn’t know about Drop Box, but I do now. As well as the cloud with Adobe. Oh, did mention the cover was also on that drive. Okay, let’s be real, my entire book was gone.

See when I got the file extracted from the jump drive, I was only a few chapters in…five I think. The amazing team at Tech Room, performed a miracle and saved my file. I was back in business. Time and life happened and I finally finished the book.

I was rockin’ and rollin’. After almost pulling my hair out learning to format with Adobe InDesign, thank God for my friend Kitty Bucholtz. She saved me with a print template. I formatted my book. Armed with a subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud, I taught myself how to use Photoshop. I got a photo from Masterfile, did a lot of tweaking and I had a cover I liked.

Here’s the ironic part. I’ve been using my mother’s computer until I can upgrade mine. I had been saying I needed to get a back up drive, but I never got around to it. I know better…remember two crashed hard drives. Bright side, I had Drop Box. Down side, I never saved a copy of my manuscript to Drop Box. You know where I’m going. The PDF version of the cover was there, but not the psd file [the Photoshop file that lets make changes].

Let’s count, you know what. it’s too painful.

I had to contact Masterfile and ask could I get copies of the raw images I purchased. Then it was back to Photoshop. Yep, I had to start all over. Very big upside, I have a cover I love. The original cover always bothered me. This mishap was a huge blessing. It forced me to recreate the cover and come up with something even better. YEAH!

Back to the manuscript.

The only copy of the finished file was in the proof stage at Createspace. Follow me and please sympathize with me. I had to download a digital proof and do an old school “Cut and Paste.” No your eyes are not deceiving you. I had to cut and past the entire book in Pages [I use a MAC] and reformat it as a .doc file, then reformat it in InDesign. My shoulders are tensing up reliving it.

How long did this reboot of my book take? Originally, I was set a launch date for November 2013. Instead, my book was released in December 2014. Why so long? Remember, when I retrieved the file, it was in the proof stage at Createspace. I hadn’t reviewed it yet.

Am I upset about the crash drive?

At the time, I was devastated. But when I look at everything that happened, I’m glad it happened [not that I lost everything], because I got an even better cover and it made me a back up fool. Now I back up to my external drive, Drop Box and Adobe Cloud. It also, taught me how to format and create covers almost like a pro.

I’m in the process of setting up my next two books and I’m using all of my experiences and mistakes. It’s going very well. In fact, I formatted my novella so quick I shocked myself.

That’s the interesting little thing that happened on the way to publishing GENERATIONAL CURSE.

Kyla leaned up against the headboard. “Excuse me?”

“I want, let me rephrase that. If I want to be taken seriously as a marriage therapist, it would help if I were married.”

“I see.”

“Most of the couples I’ve been working with are beginning to question my ability to treat them, seeing I’m not married. So, what do you say?” He waited for her answer.

“That was a horrible proposal.”

“I’m sorry.” He got up and walked over to her side of the bed, took her hand in his, cleared his throat and made a second attempt. “Kyla, will you marry me.”

She looked at him for a brief moment, before replying, “Baby, I’m not Susie Homemaker. I like things the way they are.” He stood up, looking at her with no reaction. “Like I told you before, I’m not interested in marriage.”

“We don’t have to live together, it could be like it is now. Only difference is, we’d be married.”

“How is that like what we have now? I don’t want to be legally bound to you, or anyone else for that matter.” She tried to read his expression. “If this is something you feel you need to do, then I think you should get married.”

“But you said you didn’t want to get married.”

“I don’t.” She stood up and put her robe on. “Excuse me.” She walked into the kitchen and he followed her.

“I’m a little confused. You agree with my decision to get married, but you don’t want to marry me.”

“That’s correct.” She poured two glasses of champagne.

“I don’t understand.”

She took a long sip and answered him. “It’s very simple. You need a wife. Let me rephrase that, you want a showpiece. Someone your patients can relate to, right?”


“All I want from you is sex.”
I’m a single Christian Woman who loves God, Fashion and Cute Guys. I live in California, but consider myself a partial New Yorker because of the two and half years I lived there. I own, a lingerie site for curvy women. GENERATIONAL CURSE is my debut novel.
Win a $10 Amazon or B&N gift card!

@readtracyreed @GoddessFish


  1. What is your least favorite part of the publishing / writing process?

    1. Hi Mai, What is my least favorite part of the publishing and writing process...good question. So far, I haven't found anything I really dislike about the writing process. As for publishing, I self-publish, so I set my own production schedule and I farm out whatever I can. If I had to make a choice, it would be revisions. I'm revising a book now and it seems like the revisions won't stop coming. I know it's part of the process and I have to admit, I like the changes. Thanks for the question.

  2. Good Morning Romance Novel Giveaways,
    Thank you for hosting me and my book, GENERATIONAL CURSE. It was fun reliving what happened with my hard drive while writing this book. At the time, I was horrified, but looking back, it makes for great conversation. The excerpt posted, is one of my favorite scenes in the book. Look forward to a great day of posting and comments with you.

  3. Romance Novel Giveaways,
    Thank you for hosting me and my book GENERATIONAL CURSE today.

  4. Congratulations on the book release! I think I would have had a nervous breakdown if my computer crashed twice! I'm glad you persevered! It sounds like a fun read!

  5. Generational Curse sounds like a great read. Your Fun Facts don't sound very fun. I believe that we all learn best by making our own mistakes in life. So, I would say that you have been schooled well and have even improved on your craft. Blessings & Thanks to All.

  6. Congrats on your release! Thx for the giveaway!

  7. I liked the excerpt, thank you.

  8. Considering what you write what is one genre you would never consider writing ?

  9. Looking forward to reading this!!

  10. I would enjoy reading this !


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