Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: InD'tale Magazine ♥ Spotlight & GIVEAWAYS ♥

Sunday, April 12, 2015

InD'tale Magazine ♥ Spotlight & GIVEAWAYS ♥

InD'tale was conceived and developed to help all the many gifted, creative people in this industry who struggle to find a voice in a world where "traditional" just isn't working. They have the talent and the ambition, they just need the platform to succeed.

Each month, InD’tale will bring you cutting edge information, honest, professional book reviews, interesting, and entertaining articles and educational columns to answer any questions. We will be doing this in two completely unique but different formats.

1. This website: Here you will find a place to go for all the latest news, and reviews along with interactive contests, surveys, games and gift drawings. We value your opinions and want your input! Both Tammy Grants' and Aaron Notestine's columns encourage reader response and participation. The "Fun Stuff" page will run each month's surveys, contests, drawings and games, where your voice can be heard and sometimes even rewarded!

2. The first e-print magazine: This is a completely new and innovative answer to magazine distribution. We offer all the advantages of a print magazine with all the convenience of an online magazine. Every month the pages of InD'tale will come complete in magazine format to your e-mail address, ready to be downloaded and read wherever you go, whenever you have a moment. Truly the best of both worlds!

So come, join our family on this incredible ride that is Indie publishing at its very best! All you need do is subscribe - and even that is free!
Writing Contest

Topic:  What's the craziest thing you ever did to impress a date?


Crowned Heart Book Giveaway

A new giveaway every month!  
3 winners!


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