Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Unexpected Places by V.K. Black ♥ Book Tour & GIVEAWAY ♥ (Contemporary Romance)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Unexpected Places by V.K. Black ♥ Book Tour & GIVEAWAY ♥ (Contemporary Romance)

One treasure map; a pair of priceless emeralds; two very keen hunters — only one can win, but who says that competition can’t be a little fun?

When sweet, pretty Ariana Noonan knocks out treasure hunter Luke Donahue with a champagne bottle and steals his treasure map, he vows to get his map back, find the missing priceless emeralds…and exact a fitting revenge.

When Luke finally discovers Ariana in a dingy hotel on a remote tropical island, she’s in desperate straits and he finally gains the upper hand. Of course he will rescue her. His price? They act on the attraction that’s been simmering between them from the very beginning.

But all is not as it seems, and Luke’s sexy bargain turns up not only an unbelievable secret, but Ariana’s reasons for wanting the emerald. Suddenly, nothing is clear-cut anymore, and map or no map, Luke and Ariana are sailing into uncharted territory.
Okay, let’s see where you want to take this. Luke smiled at her again, raised an enquiring eyebrow and waited.

‘Um, this is a lovely place,’ she said.

‘Yes,’ he agreed, gravely, ‘it is.’

‘But a little crowded, don’t you think?’ she purred. Luke leaned down, catching a faint wisp of her flowery perfume as he tried to hear her words over the squeals of the girls behind them. Then she — what did she say her name was? Ariana, a pretty name — gave him a smile that left him in no doubt about what she wanted. Sex and his map, which was currently resting in his coat pocket. Well, little Ariana, that’s a big yes to the sex, but good luck with the map.

‘Definitely too crowded. And that champagne is very ordinary. I have a nice bottle in my room, if you’d care to share it with me.’ Always have a good bottle of champagne in your hotel-room fridge. You never knew when it might come in handy. That policy had served him well for many years.

Lovely Ariana smiled the dazzling smile that had probably ripped off half a dozen men, and put her glass down on the table. Luke placed his hand under her elbow and guided her toward the lifts. Her skin was soft but firm. His cock was harder than steel. He’d been treasure hunting for so long now, it had been a while since he’d been with a woman. The added allure of payback made the idea of sex with this cute little blonde doubly inviting.

As they rode up to his penthouse room, Ariana’s feminine perfume filled the small space. They stood, side by side, staring at the lift doors in silence. He had no doubt she was thinking through her game plan, the same as he was.

Let the games begin.
V.K. Black is from Queensland, Australia. She loves tropical islands, snorkelling on the Barrier Reef, good wine and hot spicy food. Amazingly, all of these appear in Unexpected Places (published by Escape Publishing). Sadly, treasure maps and priceless emeralds have been in short supply in her real life, so she has written a story about them.

As well as her action/adventure contemporary, Unexpected Places, V.K. Black has written an erotic fantasy/sci fi called Heavenly Revenge (published by Secret Cravings) and a World War Two historical called Lies and Seduction (published by Cobblestone Press.) There is a unifying theme. They are all fun sexy romances, with a handsome hero and a lovely heroine.
Win a $10 Amazon or B&N gift card!

@VKBlackAuthor @EscapePublisher @GoddessFish


  1. Thank you so much, Romance Novel Giveaways, for hosting me.

    1. My pleasure! (I LOVE the excerpt) Have a great day!

  2. I really, really enjoyed this excerpt. Sounds like a fun story.

    1. How lovely of you to say so, MomJane. Thank you.

  3. Thank you for the excerpt, it was great.

  4. The book sounds great. I wouyld like to read the rest of Ariana and Luke's story.

    1. Hi Deanne, and thank you for your nice comment.

  5. That excerpt makes me wonder who will win... or if they both will!

    1. Ah, yes, Christine. Luke and Ariana enjoy their battle against each other very much.

  6. i enjoyed reading the excerpt and i like the cover

  7. I have enjoyed learning about the book. Thanks for sharing it.


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