She's been known as Jane for the last seven years. Have you ever felt lost? Well she knows lost. She’s the definition of lost. Cruelly beaten within an inch of her life? Check. No memory of anything that's happened since she woke up from that beating? Check. Losing a child, especially one she didn’t remember conceiving? Check. Jane has been sent away from her home of the past seven years by a hot older biker that tells her that her life’s in danger. His solution is to send her to a place that’s the home of a man that she feels a connection with instantly. A bone deep connection.
Jacks spent the last seven years in a depression. After the death of his young wife while on his first tour of duty in Afghanistan, he hasn't seen the appeal of participating in the world around him. He’s lost everyone that’s ever meant anything to him. His mom. His dad. His sister. His wife. Why make any more connections? They’re just going to die. The only things keeping him on this earth with boots firmly planted are his brothers who fought with him during hell on earth, and his best friend, the man that was there for his wife when he couldn't be. The one who promised to keep her safe, and didn’t. Then he loses one of those things, and Jack really has nothing left. He comes home to an empty bed, and dreams of what used to be, caught up in a never ending nightmare that never ends. Until she screams his name, that is.
A name is the first memory that has surfaced in her brain in the last seven years. That name is Jackopa. Her husband.
“Whew boy, he is fine!” A large woman said from the step to my right.
I agreed silently, but continued with my turn. My lungs were burning and my legs ached from running in between sets.
The woman was absolutely hilarious. We’d been complaining for nearly an hour now about how hard the trainer was being on us today.
“Bom-chicka-wa-wow.” She said shaking her butt.
I turned in the direction her eyes were focused on and smiled. Jack had moved to the stair climber. Now you could see the tattoo. You could also see the muscles in his back and legs bunch and contract with each revolution.
No matter how mad at him I was, I never stopped wanting to jump on his cock and ride him like a cowgirl taming a bronco. Even though he hadn’t let me have a moment’s peace, I knew he was doing it for me. He didn’t want anything to happen to me, and for that to happen, he went everywhere that I went. Or someone did when he couldn’t. It’s just that it’d been over a month and a half now, and I was just plain over it.
“That,” I said panting for breath. “is my husband.
“Damn.” She said in a dejected tone.
That’s right people; he’s all mine.
“Alright everyone,” The trainer yelled. “Have a great weekend. See y’all Monday!”
As I went to grab my phone and water, I saw some chick that looked immaculately perfect walk in the direction of Jack. Her hair didn’t have one single strand out of place. Her boobs were perky and beautifully arranged in her halter workout tank. Her tight black capri pants displayed her beautiful lower half as well.
“What the hell is she even doing here? She’s done. Get the fuck out so the rest of us don’t have to look at your perfect body.” I mumbled.
“Amen.” The lady I’d been goofing off with during the workout agreed.
“What’s your name?” I asked her.
“Cookie.” She smiled.
“See you next week, Cookie!” I said and took off towards Jack.
Rounding the gate that separated the basketball court from the gym, I saw that the woman’s hand was resting on Jack’s bicep. She smiled, flicked her hair over her shoulder and started blabbing about not seeing him in forever.
“Laura.” He nodded curtly.
Understanding dawned, and I moved to Jack’s side. “Good workout?” I asked Laura.
Her frown told me she wasn’t very happy with this newest development. Apparently I was standing too close to her prey. “And who are you?”
Jack pulled me tight against his glistening body and I grimaced. Sweat wasn’t so bad when it wasn’t pouring from you in rivulets. When two people were both doing it at the same time, it was really quite gross. I didn’t move, however.
“This is my wife, Winter. Winter,” He said gesturing with his head. “This is Laura. She works with Cheyenne and Payton.”
“Nice to meet you.” Not.
Her mouth gaped open in surprise.
Cookie laughed as she passed and saw Laura’s expression. “It’s okay, honey. I think everyone’s heart is smashed into pieces.” She said, gesturing to all the woman who were loitering and none too obviously staring.
“We went on a date a few weeks ago.” She finally said.
Jack sighed. “That wasn’t a date. That was a ‘you happened to be there when I was’ situation. And it’s been nearly two months now.”
Fury overtook her features. “But you said you’d see me some time! If I’d known you had an ugly, fat wife I would have left you alone!”
Jack took a threatening step forward, but I stopped him. “Have you ever heard the term ‘more cushion for the pushin’?”
I agreed silently, but continued with my turn. My lungs were burning and my legs ached from running in between sets.
The woman was absolutely hilarious. We’d been complaining for nearly an hour now about how hard the trainer was being on us today.
“Bom-chicka-wa-wow.” She said shaking her butt.
I turned in the direction her eyes were focused on and smiled. Jack had moved to the stair climber. Now you could see the tattoo. You could also see the muscles in his back and legs bunch and contract with each revolution.
No matter how mad at him I was, I never stopped wanting to jump on his cock and ride him like a cowgirl taming a bronco. Even though he hadn’t let me have a moment’s peace, I knew he was doing it for me. He didn’t want anything to happen to me, and for that to happen, he went everywhere that I went. Or someone did when he couldn’t. It’s just that it’d been over a month and a half now, and I was just plain over it.
“That,” I said panting for breath. “is my husband.
“Damn.” She said in a dejected tone.
That’s right people; he’s all mine.
“Alright everyone,” The trainer yelled. “Have a great weekend. See y’all Monday!”
As I went to grab my phone and water, I saw some chick that looked immaculately perfect walk in the direction of Jack. Her hair didn’t have one single strand out of place. Her boobs were perky and beautifully arranged in her halter workout tank. Her tight black capri pants displayed her beautiful lower half as well.
“What the hell is she even doing here? She’s done. Get the fuck out so the rest of us don’t have to look at your perfect body.” I mumbled.
“Amen.” The lady I’d been goofing off with during the workout agreed.
“What’s your name?” I asked her.
“Cookie.” She smiled.
“See you next week, Cookie!” I said and took off towards Jack.
Rounding the gate that separated the basketball court from the gym, I saw that the woman’s hand was resting on Jack’s bicep. She smiled, flicked her hair over her shoulder and started blabbing about not seeing him in forever.
“Laura.” He nodded curtly.
Understanding dawned, and I moved to Jack’s side. “Good workout?” I asked Laura.
Her frown told me she wasn’t very happy with this newest development. Apparently I was standing too close to her prey. “And who are you?”
Jack pulled me tight against his glistening body and I grimaced. Sweat wasn’t so bad when it wasn’t pouring from you in rivulets. When two people were both doing it at the same time, it was really quite gross. I didn’t move, however.
“This is my wife, Winter. Winter,” He said gesturing with his head. “This is Laura. She works with Cheyenne and Payton.”
“Nice to meet you.” Not.
Her mouth gaped open in surprise.
Cookie laughed as she passed and saw Laura’s expression. “It’s okay, honey. I think everyone’s heart is smashed into pieces.” She said, gesturing to all the woman who were loitering and none too obviously staring.
“We went on a date a few weeks ago.” She finally said.
Jack sighed. “That wasn’t a date. That was a ‘you happened to be there when I was’ situation. And it’s been nearly two months now.”
Fury overtook her features. “But you said you’d see me some time! If I’d known you had an ugly, fat wife I would have left you alone!”
Jack took a threatening step forward, but I stopped him. “Have you ever heard the term ‘more cushion for the pushin’?”
I FELT more with this book than any other so far...and I've read A LOT of books!
I got goosebumps twice, cried three times and laughed more times than I kept track of.
The connection between Jack and Winter is one that anyone would wish they had with their loved one. To-the-death, all-accepting, unconditional love.
The book switched between Jack's and Winter's points of view, and seeing the story from both sides made it that much more touching.
The story is almost immediately injected with a HUGE mystery that had me beyond eager to see the resolution. I was thrown a bone every now and then, but as the end got closer, I found myself turning those virtual pages more and more because I HAD to know he resolution of the mystery!
In conclusion, be warned that you will become emotionally invested in these characters, all of them. I have only read this book in the series, but I would, without hesitation, read not only other books in the series, but anything Lani writes!
***A copy of this book was provided in exchange for an honest review***
I got goosebumps twice, cried three times and laughed more times than I kept track of.
The connection between Jack and Winter is one that anyone would wish they had with their loved one. To-the-death, all-accepting, unconditional love.
The book switched between Jack's and Winter's points of view, and seeing the story from both sides made it that much more touching.
The story is almost immediately injected with a HUGE mystery that had me beyond eager to see the resolution. I was thrown a bone every now and then, but as the end got closer, I found myself turning those virtual pages more and more because I HAD to know he resolution of the mystery!
In conclusion, be warned that you will become emotionally invested in these characters, all of them. I have only read this book in the series, but I would, without hesitation, read not only other books in the series, but anything Lani writes!
***A copy of this book was provided in exchange for an honest review***
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Lani Lynn Vale is a married mother of three living in the greatest state in the world, Texas. She is currently a student pursuing her bachelor's degree in nursing. When she's not cooking, cleaning, wiping dirty faces free of permanent marker stains, going to school, or running errands, you can find her at her computer lost in her fictional character's world.
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