While the public struggles to live side-by-side with vampires, medical student Brian Preston has dedicated himself to their care and study by working in a government-run clinic that monitors and feeds the resident vampire population. He has learned to expect the unexpected in his job, but his life takes a surprise turn late one night when a young, struggling vampire named Kyle stumbles into his clinic and his heart.
As they draw closer, can Brian come to grips with loving the elusive vampire, and can Kyle find the strength to share the secret that can separate them forever?
Bleeding Heart is the story of love, blood, political intrigue and the secrets that can spell the difference between life and death.
Vampires drinking blood from humans in an erotic fashion is nothing new in this genre, but the particular kind of blood drinking that you find in Bleeding Heart is unique in that it is not only something that Brian does for Kyle, but also for his own pleasure. Brian has never shared his blood in this way before with anyone, but he finds that, as they engage in the act, it binds them together, creating not only intimacy but an ever-mounting desire in Brian to do it more often.
This is something that I've been writing for years. Back in 1999, the Arts & Entertainment section of Yahoo!Chat was a popular destination for people who enjoyed role-playing live in chat rooms—not only were there chat rooms created for this purpose by Yahoo! itself, but you had the ability to create "custom" rooms as well and so, at any given time, you could create a chat room as well as your own chat name to role-play a character from any fictional genre that you enjoyed, with others who shared the same passion. Collectively, this "world" was dubbed “Ayenee” (the verbal pronunciation of "A&E"), and I was 13 years old when I entered it.
Internet role-playing (especially in the fantasy genre) was hugely popular at the time, and it was to become a major hobby of mine for the next eight years of my life. By the time I was 16 I had been role-playing a character (a shapeshifter—a magical creature who looks human but can change their form) for years—she had friends, family, and a whole life story in this world, in addition to on-going plots and drama with the other characters being played live alongside her. My future husband, then also 16, role-played a vampire. We met in the chat rooms, and even though our characters butt heads from the start (we were actually both pursuing the same woman at the time!), we were also instantly drawn to one another.
One of my character's traits was that she loved to be fed off of by vampires—while they took her blood, they also drained her excess "shapeshifter magic", and for her the process became not only a pleasure but a necessity. I had never met anyone willing or able to role-play this very specific kind of vampire erotica with me, where feeding was not only an act of blood play and sex/romance, but also a need that could be shared between a vampire and a non-vampire—a give and take that was necessary for both parties.
Sharing that kind of thing creates a bond of trust that you don't often find in traditional vampire erotica, where vampires often just “take”, to the detriment of the non-vampire partner.
Brian and Kyle truly do “need” each other, in more ways than one!
This is something that I've been writing for years. Back in 1999, the Arts & Entertainment section of Yahoo!Chat was a popular destination for people who enjoyed role-playing live in chat rooms—not only were there chat rooms created for this purpose by Yahoo! itself, but you had the ability to create "custom" rooms as well and so, at any given time, you could create a chat room as well as your own chat name to role-play a character from any fictional genre that you enjoyed, with others who shared the same passion. Collectively, this "world" was dubbed “Ayenee” (the verbal pronunciation of "A&E"), and I was 13 years old when I entered it.
Internet role-playing (especially in the fantasy genre) was hugely popular at the time, and it was to become a major hobby of mine for the next eight years of my life. By the time I was 16 I had been role-playing a character (a shapeshifter—a magical creature who looks human but can change their form) for years—she had friends, family, and a whole life story in this world, in addition to on-going plots and drama with the other characters being played live alongside her. My future husband, then also 16, role-played a vampire. We met in the chat rooms, and even though our characters butt heads from the start (we were actually both pursuing the same woman at the time!), we were also instantly drawn to one another.
One of my character's traits was that she loved to be fed off of by vampires—while they took her blood, they also drained her excess "shapeshifter magic", and for her the process became not only a pleasure but a necessity. I had never met anyone willing or able to role-play this very specific kind of vampire erotica with me, where feeding was not only an act of blood play and sex/romance, but also a need that could be shared between a vampire and a non-vampire—a give and take that was necessary for both parties.
Sharing that kind of thing creates a bond of trust that you don't often find in traditional vampire erotica, where vampires often just “take”, to the detriment of the non-vampire partner.
Brian and Kyle truly do “need” each other, in more ways than one!
"I know," Kyle says apologetically. "I can't help it." He swallows. "I mean, it only happens when I—when—I get excited. Sorry. Just, missed you."
"You—you can." Heat pounds in Brian's cheeks.
Kyle goes still, panting against his skin. "W-what?"
"You can, if you want," Brian repeats. His body is aching all of the sudden, for something new, for something more, for something that they haven't done yet. He can feel it, simply at the idea—it has been since they started kissing, of course, but now it's fully awake and invested in the proceedings—against the front of his jeans. "You can."
"Have you ever—"
"No," Brian answers. It's impossible to think clearly with Kyle holding him against the door, with Kyle's head bent over his neck like that. He's so hard that his jeans are starting to hurt; the angle at which he's risen against them is uncomfortable, but he can't move. "Please." The anticipation is like ants beneath his skin, crawling and crawling and crawling. "Please."
Kyle kisses the half-numbed skin just inches off of Brian's neck. His fangs are fully distended now and Brian can feel them, smooth and hard as they brush his skin.
The need to feel the pain that he knows he'll feel, to feel opened, to feel his blood run past Kyle's eager lips is sudden and new. Kyle can and will drink from his body; Brian can let him do that, this is a thing that they can do together, and it is as exciting as it is frightening.
"You can," he repeats. He feels dizzy. "I want you to. Want to take care of you, please. Do it." His hands are shaking so hard that he can't even maintain a grip on Kyle's waist, but it doesn't matter; Kyle is supporting him.
"God," Kyle breathes, shaking, his lips damp as they pass over Brian's shoulder again and again. "Ever since you—that night with the wine glass, I—god, I've dreamed of your blood so many times."
"Please," Brian hisses, arousal pounding through his body. "Do it. Do it."
"You—you can." Heat pounds in Brian's cheeks.
Kyle goes still, panting against his skin. "W-what?"
"You can, if you want," Brian repeats. His body is aching all of the sudden, for something new, for something more, for something that they haven't done yet. He can feel it, simply at the idea—it has been since they started kissing, of course, but now it's fully awake and invested in the proceedings—against the front of his jeans. "You can."
"Have you ever—"
"No," Brian answers. It's impossible to think clearly with Kyle holding him against the door, with Kyle's head bent over his neck like that. He's so hard that his jeans are starting to hurt; the angle at which he's risen against them is uncomfortable, but he can't move. "Please." The anticipation is like ants beneath his skin, crawling and crawling and crawling. "Please."
Kyle kisses the half-numbed skin just inches off of Brian's neck. His fangs are fully distended now and Brian can feel them, smooth and hard as they brush his skin.
The need to feel the pain that he knows he'll feel, to feel opened, to feel his blood run past Kyle's eager lips is sudden and new. Kyle can and will drink from his body; Brian can let him do that, this is a thing that they can do together, and it is as exciting as it is frightening.
"You can," he repeats. He feels dizzy. "I want you to. Want to take care of you, please. Do it." His hands are shaking so hard that he can't even maintain a grip on Kyle's waist, but it doesn't matter; Kyle is supporting him.
"God," Kyle breathes, shaking, his lips damp as they pass over Brian's shoulder again and again. "Ever since you—that night with the wine glass, I—god, I've dreamed of your blood so many times."
"Please," Brian hisses, arousal pounding through his body. "Do it. Do it."

A veteran writer of fan fiction known as MissBeizy to her online readers, Melissa Graves’ stories have thousands of followers. At age 13, she wrote her first work of fan-based fiction, and by age 16, had met her future husband in an online vampire fiction chat room. A fan of science fiction/fantasy, she has a degree in anthropology and a passion for good chocolate, amateur erotica and fan worlds that celebrate diversity. She is mother to two cats.
Follow Melissa Graves and learn more about her work at http://msmelissagraves.com/
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ReplyDeleteThanks for having me! :)
ReplyDeleteA pleasure! I'm intrigued by the synopsis; it's very unique that one is learning to save lives and the other needs to take them. Very interesting!
DeleteI'm so glad you find it compelling, and hope you enjoy the story.
DeleteThis is a new autor for me. The cover is hot and the blurb very exciting. Can't wait to read this!
ReplyDeleteSo pleased! Thank you very much.
DeleteInteresting type of book
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteI love the quote of the day.
ReplyDeleteI was intrigued about the role playing aspect that inspired your book and the symbiotic & loving relationship between the vampire and his human or the human and his vampire :) This is a new author for me, so thank you for this greate giveaway, as I so want to read this book as well and find out what happens..
ReplyDeleteThank you! I hope you enjoy it. :)
DeleteGreat use of dichotemy in the relationship betweensd vampire and human. I love the djpremise of theis book and am veryu much interested in reading this refreshing take on the vampire genre. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much.
DeleteEnjoyed the excerpt. Thanks for the giveaway.